Grichanov, I.Ya. 
Last updated: 24 January 2000

10. Grichanov I.Y. Brachnoye povedeniye khlopkovoj sovki Heliothis Armigera. - Zool. zh., 1983, t. 62, N 5, p.707-713. // The Nuptial Behaviour Of The Cotton Bollworm Heliothis armigera.

11. Grichanov I.Y. Otlov Acontia luctuosa /Lepidoptera, NOCTUIDAE/ na sinteticheskij polovoj attraktant. - Vestn. Zool., 1984, N 1, p.58. // Trapping Of Acontia Luctuosa /Lepidoptera, Noctuidae/ By Using The Synthetic Sex Attractant.

12. Grichanov I.Y. Ocenka vozdejstviya biologicheski aktivnyh veshchestv na povedenie imago h|opkovoj /Heliothis Armigera Hubn./ I ozimoj /Scotia Segetum Schiff./ sovok v polevyh usloviyah. - Khemorecepciya nasekomyh. Feromony, Vilnius, 1984, N 8, p.58-65. // Field Evaluation Of Effects Of Biologically Active Compounds On Chemical Communication Of The Cotton Bollworm Moth /Heliothis armigera Hubn./ And The Turnip Moth /Scotia segetum Schiff./.

16. Grichanov I.Y. Narushenie himicheskoj kommunikacii babochek hlopkovoj sovki /Heliothis Armigera Hubner/ komponentami polovogo feromona samok i antiferomonami.- V sb.: Him.kommunikaciya zhivotnyh. Teoriya i praktika. - Moscow: Nauka,1986, p.73-79. // Disruption Of Chemical Communication Of Moths With Female Sex Pheromone Components And Antipheromones In Heliothis Armigera.

18. Kononenko A.P., Grichanov I.Y., Kirov E.I., Mayorov V.I. Korrelyaciya vylova babochek hlopkovoj sovki v lovushki s chislennost'yu preimaginal'nyh faz. - Izv. AN TadSSR, 1986, N 3, p. 51-55. // Correlation Between Moth Catches And Numbers Of Preimaginal Stages In The Cotton Bollworm.

19. Grichanov I.Y., Kravchenko V.D., Papiyan R.F., Sattar-zade N.R. Zavisimost' mezhdu otlovom samcov na feromon i chislennost'yu preimaginal'nyh faz hlopkovoj sovki na hlopchatnike v Azerbajdzhane. - Bull. VIZR, 1987, N 67, p. 49-54. // Dependence Of The Number Of Cotton Bollworm Preimaginal Stages On Pheromone Trapping Of Males On The Cotton Fields Of Azerbaijan.

20. Grichanov I.Y., Kirov E.I., Kononenko A.P., Mayorov V.I. Svyaz' vylova babochek hlopkovoj sovki v lovushki s chislennost'yu yaic i gusenic na hlopchatnike. - Bull. VIZR, 1987, N 67, p. 54-59. // Correlation Between Cotton Bollworm Trapping And Number of Eggs and Larvae on Cotton.

21. Voronkova V.V. Grichanov I.Y.,Ivanchenko V.V. i dr. Issledovanie polovogo feromona ozimoj sovki /Agrotis Segetum Schiff. /. - Khemorecepciya nasekomyh, Vilnius, 1987, N 9, p. 101-107.// A Study Of Sex Pheromone Of The Turnip Moth /Agrotis Segetum Schiff./.

22. Shamshev I.V., Grichanov I.Y., Bosenko M.S., Pershina E.V., Vilesova M.S. Polevoe ispytanie mikrokapsulirovannogo polovogo feromona hlopkovoj sovki dlya dezorientacii samcov. - Bull. VIZR, 1987, N 69, p.29-33.// Field Trials On Microcapsuled Sex Pheromone Of The Cotton Bollworm Used For Male Desorientation.

24. Shamshev I.V., Grichanov I.Y. Osobennosti povedeniya babochek hlopkovoj sovki okolo istochnika sinteticheskogo polovogo attraktanta. - Bull. VIZR, 1987, N 68, p. 43-46. // Some Peculiarities Of Cotton Bollworm Behaviour Near The Synthetic Sex Attractant Source.

27. Grichanov I.Y., Vaher P.L. Polevoj skrining attraktivnyh veshchestv dlya samcov seroj zernovoj sovki.- Feromony nasekomyh i razrabotka putej ih prakticheskogo ispol'zovaniya. Sb. nauch. tr., Leningrad: VIZR, 1988, p. 40-44. // Field Screening Of Attractants For The Apamea Anceps Males.

31. Bulyginskaya M.A., Grichanov I.Y., Shamshev I.V. Ispol'zovanie sinteticheskih polovyh attraktantov dlya narusheniya ol'faktornoj kommunikacii babochek hlopkovoj sovki /Heliothis Armigera Hubner/ v polevyh uloviyah. - Entomol. obozr., 1989, t. 68, vyp. 2, p. 272 - 275. //Field Use Of Synthetic Sex Attractants For Disruption Of Olfactory Communication In The Cotton Bollworm Heliothis Armigera Hb. /Lepidoptera: Noctuidae/.

32. Grichanov I.Y., Vaher P.L. Attraktivnost' nekotoryh sinteticheskih soedinenij dlya samcov seroj zernovoj sovki. - Izv. AN EstSSR, biol., 1989, t. 38, N 3, p. 185 - 188. // On Attractivity Of Some Synthetic Compounds To Noctuid Apamea Anceps.

34. Grichanov I.Y., Kononenko A.P. Otlov Chrysodeixis Chalcites, Trichoplusia Ni I Autographa Gamma na sinteticheskij polovoj attraktant. - Izv. AN Tad.SSR, 1989, t. 115, N 2, p. 64 - 67 // Trapping Of Chrysodeixis Chalcites, Trichoplusia Ni And Autographa Gamma With A Synthetic Sex Attractant.

35. Grichanov I.Y., Kirov E.I., Karpenko V.I. Zavisimost' mezhdu otlovom samcov na polovoj attraktant i chislennost'yu gusenic seroj zernovoj sovki na pshenice. - Bull. VIZR., 1989, N 74, p. 25 - 29. / / Relation Between Male Trapping By Sex Attractant And Numbers Of Apamea Anceps On Wheat.

36. Grichanov I.Y., Rakitin A.A., Shamshev I.V., Vaher P.L. Ingibiruyushchee dejstvie formiatov na himicheskuyu kommunikaciyu hlopkovoj sovki.- Bull. VIZR., 1989, N 74, p. 67- 71. // Inhibitory Effects Of Formiates On Chemical Communication Of Cotton Bollworm.

37. Shamshev I.V., Grichanov I.Y. Polevye ispytaniya cis-11-geksadecenil formiata - ingibitora privlekatel'nosti polovogo attraktanta hlopkovoj sovki.- Bull.VIZR., 1989, N 74, p. 71 - 78. // Field Trials Of Z-11-Hexadecenyl Formiate, Inhibitor Of Cotton Bollworm Sex Attractant.

38. Kosaev E.M., Grichanov I.Y. O primenimosti vlago- temperaturnogo kriteriya v analize dinamiki leta babochek hlopkovoj sovki v Turkmenii.- Izv. ANTurkmSSR, ser. biol. n., 1990, N 3, p. 67 - 69.// Humidity And Temperature As Criteria For The Analysis Of Heliothis Armigera Flight Dynamics In Turkmenia.

43. Grichanov I.Y. 1991. Statistical analysis of tortricid and noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae and Noctuidae) in terms of chemical structure of their sexual pheromones. Zoologicheskii zhurnal. Vol.70. No.1. P.32 - 39. [in Russian]. [Engl. transl.: Entomol. Rev., 1991, 70, 2, p. 159 - 165].

45. Grichanov I.Y. Polovye antiferomony cheshuekrylyh. - Entomol. obozr. - Leningrad, 1991. - 34 p. - Dep. in VINITI, Moscow, 14.01.91, N 240-v91. // Sex Antipheromones Of Lepidoptera.

47. Grichanov I.Y., Shamshev I.V., Bosenko M.V., Vaher P.L., Vi- lesova M.I., Laanma M.K., Pyarisma P.P. Ingibitor polovogo attraktanta hlopkovoj sovki Heliothis armigera. - Bull. VIZR, 1991, N 75, p. 56 - 60. // Inhibitor of cotton bollworm (Heliothis armige- ra) sex attractant.

51. Grichanov I.Y. Feromony sovok (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): hemotaksonomiya, polevoj skrining i puti prakticheskogo ispolzovaniya. - Entomol. Obozr. - Leningrad/St.Petersburg, 1993. - 49 p. - Dep. in VINITI, Moscow, 29.01.93, N 198-B93. // Noctuid pheromones: chemotaxonomy, field screening and methods of practical use.

52. Grichanov I.Y. 1993. Chemical structure of sex pheromones as taxonomic character of lepidopteran supreme taxa. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie. Vol.72. No.2. P.283-294. [in Russian]. [Engl. transl.: Entomol. Rev., 1993, 72, 9, p. 133 - 144].

53. Bulyginskaya M.A., Porsayev M.M., Grichanov I.Y. Sezonnyj prognos chislennosti khlopkovoj sovki c pomoshch'yu feromonnykh lovushek. - Teoriya, metody i tekhnologiya avtomatizatsii fitosanitarnoj diagnostiki. Sb. nauch. tr., Leningrad: VIZR, 1993, p. 60 - 70. // Seasonal forecast of cotton bollworm density by way of using pheromone traps.

65. Grichanov I.Y., Bukzeyeva O.N., Zakonnikova K.V. Dynamics of flight of moths and spread of Lepidopteran pests in the Black Sea Region of the North Caucasus. - Zool. zh., 1994, t. 73, N3, p. 39 - 46 (in Russian). [Engl. transl.: Entomol. Rev., 1994, 73, 7, p. 126 - 133].

70. Grichanov I.Y., Bukzeyeva O.N., Zakonnikova K.V. The influence of temperature on the phenology of Archips rozana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). - Arch. Phytopath. Pflazenschutz, 1994, N 2, p. 183 - 189.

71. Grichanov I.Ya., Rakitin A.A., Kovalev B.G., Konyukhov V.P., Boltykhova V.V. Investigation of sex pheromone of Apamea anceps (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). - Bull. VIZR, 1994, N76, p. 77-80..

72. Grichanov I.Ya. Structural affinity between sex attractants and their inhibitors in Lepidoptera. - Bull. VIZR, 1994, N 76, p. 72-76.

74. Grichanov I.Y., Bulyginskaya M.A., Bukseyeva O.N., Zakonnikova K.V., Ovsiannikova E.I. 1995. Ecological and geographical variability of species-specificity of lepidopteran sex attractants. - Ecology, N 5, p. 377-380 (in Russian). [Engl. transl.: Russian J. Ecol., 1995, 26, p. 349-352].

75. Grichanov I.Y. 1995, Problems of pheromone production, trade and application in relation to the collapse of the USSR. - Int. Pest Control, N 3, p. 72-77.

109. Grichanov I.Y. et al. 1998. Field screening of minor components of sex attractant for Apamea anceps noctuid moth. Bul. VIZR, N 78--79, pp. 81—85 (in Russian).

110. Grichanov I.Y. et al. 1998. Peculiarities of seasonal dynamics of male and female flight in noctuid moth Apamea anceps. Bul. VIZR, N 78--79, pp. 86—93 (in Russian).

116. Grichanov I.Y. 1998. Lepidoptera male pheromones in relation to the origin of the pheromone system in insects. – Russ. Entomol. J. (Moscow). Vol.7. No.1-2. P.77-82.

133. Bulyginskaya M.A., Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Shamshev I.V., Selitskaya O.G. 1999. Field screening of sex attractants for Lepidoptera inhabiting North-Western Russia. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, vol. 78(10): 1179-1183.

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