Four new species of the genus Amblypsilopus Bigot

(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tropical Africa and Papua New Guinea


Grichanov, I.Ya. Four new species of the genus Amblypsilopus

Bigot (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tropical Africa and

Papua New Guinea

A. medvedevi sp.n. from Papua New Guinea, A. nartshukae sp.n.

from Angola, A. gorodkovi sp.n. from Tanzania, A. steelei from

Kenya are described. New records, catalogue and a key to

known species of Afrotropical Amblypsilopus are given.

I.Ya. Grichanov, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection,

Podbelskogo 3, St.Petersburg-Pushkin, 189620, Russia.

Key words: Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Amblypsilopus,

Papua New Guinea, Tropical Africa.


The genus Amblypsilopus was reestablished by Bickel (1994) for a

great number of species, most of which were originally described in

Sciapus Zeller and Chrysosoma Guerin-Meneville from all

zoogeographical regions. The author synonymized Sciopolina Curran,

Labeneura Parent and Leptorhethum Aldrich with Amblypsilopus. The

genus has mainly a pan-tropical distribution, being possibly

polyphyletic (Bickel, 1994). For example, most Afrotropical species of

Amblypsilopus form two large assemblages, differing by the position of

arista on first flagellomere (basodorsal to dorsal or dorsoapical to

apical) and some other characters. Those groups may represent two or

more independent taxons.

Forty three Afrotropical species are known from all parts of

Tropical and South Africa, as well as on some Atlantic Ocean (St.

Helena) and Indian Ocean (Madagascar and Seychelles) islands. A.

pallidicornis is widespread throughout the western Pacific and Indian

Ocean. South African A. munroi was found recently in Sri Lanka

(Bickel, 1994). Indicaton of oriental A. simplex on Seychelles (Lamb,

1922: females only) probably refers to undescribed species. Australian

fauna of the genus is the richest, having 87 mostly endemic species

(Bickel, 1994).

While processing unidentified material from the collections of the

Natural History Museum, London (NHML), the Hungarian Natural History

Museum (HNHM), and the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg (ZIN),

twelve species of the genus Amblypsilopus were found. In this paper

descriptions of a new species from Papua New Guinea, three new species

from Tropical Africa and new records for known African species are

given. A. cilifrons, A. ernestus, A. signatus and A. madagascarensis

are transferred here from Chrysosoma. The only significant difference

between descriptions of A. ernestus and A. munroi females (Curran,

1924) is anterior four tibia coloration (from dark-yelow in A. munroi

to black-brown in A. ernestus). This character is very variable in

other species of Amblypsilopus (Irwin, 1974; Bickel, 1994; see also

diagnosis of A. cilifrons and A. parilis in this paper). Thus we

synonymized the two species. Sciapus integer (Becker, 1923) should be

placed in Ethiosciapus Bickel (see remark by Parent, 1929, under the

key to Sciapus), and it is excluded from Amblypsilopus.

Holotypes and paratypes of the new species and neotype of A.

longifilus are conserved in the Natural History Museum (London),

holotype of A. gorodkovi is placed in the Hungarian Natural History

Museum (Budapest).

List of Afrotropical species of Amblypsilopus Bigot

(for references see Dyte & Smith, 1980)

aenescens Vanschuytbroeck, 1952:138 (Sciapus) - Madagascar

arduus Parent, 1936:6 (Sciapus) - Zaire

auratus Curran, 1924:217 (Chrysosoma) - South Africa, Zimbabwe (!),

Zambia, Angola, Zaire, Tanzania (!), Nigeria

basilewskyi Vanschuytbroeck, 1960:319 (Sciapus) - Tanzania, Kenya (!),

Uganda (!)

bevisi Curran, 1927:11 (Sciapus) - South Africa

bipectinatus Parent, 1934:120 (Sciapus) - Kenya

bonniae Irwin, 1974:245 (Sciopolina) - South Africa

cilifrons Parent, 1937:126 (Chrysosoma) - Nigeria, Togo (!), Zaire,

Kenya, n.comb.

coalescens Parent, 1934:121 (Sciapus) - Zaire

cuthbertsoni Parent, 1937:129 (Sciapus) - Zimbabwe

disjunctus Parent, 1936:1 (Chrysosoma) - Zaire, Nigeria

fasciatus Curran, 1924:216 (Sciopolina) - South Africa

= palliatus Curran, 1927:12 (Sciapus)

finitimus Parent, 1939:262 (Chrysosoma) - Zaire

flabellifer Becker, 1923:45 (Sciapus) - Madagascar, ?Zaire

flavicollis Becker, 1923:40 (Leptorhethum) - Cameroun, Equatorial


gorodkovi sp.n. - Tanzania

haemorhoidalis Becker, 1923:46 (Sciapus) - Ethiopia, Uganda, South


inflexus Becker, 1923:40 (Sciapus) - Uganda, Zaire, South Africa,

Madagascar, St. Helena

lenga Curran, 1929:1 (Sciapus) - Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe

= barbipalpis Parent, 1937:128 (Labeneura, as subgenus of


longifilus Becker, 1923:28 (Chrysosoma) - Tanzania, Kenya, Zaire, St.


macularivenus Irwin, 1974:251 (Sciopolina) - South Africa

madagascarensis Vanschuytbroeck, 1953:89 (Chrysosoma) - Madagascar,


miserus Parent, 1935:81 (Chrysosoma) - Mozambique, Zimbabwe (!)

munroi Curran, 1924:218 (Chrysosoma) - South Africa, Namibia, Angola,

Mosambique; Sri Lanka

= ernestus Curran, 1924:218 (Chrysosoma), n.comb., n.syn.

nanus Parent, 1929:243 (Sciapus) - Senegal, Zaire

nartshukae sp.n. - Angola

nubilis Parent, 1935:87 (Sciapus) - Madagascar

pallidicornis Grimshaw, 1901:12 (Gnamptopsilopus) - Seychelles;

Hawaiian Islands, Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, Guam,

Belau, Taiwan

= fulgidipenne Enderlein, 1912:377 (Chrysosoma)

parilis Parent, 1931:44 (Chrysosoma) - South Africa, Namibia (!),

Zimbabwe (!), Tanzania, Zaire, Nigeria (!)

pernigrus Becker, 1923:30 (Chrysosoma) - Malawi, Zaire

rectangularis Parent, 1937:13 (Sciapus) - Zaire, ?Madagascar

retrovenus Irwin, 1974:242 (Sciopolina) - South Africa

rosaceus Wiedemann, 1824:40 (Dolichopus) - South Africa,


= peringueyi Curran, 1926:2 (Sciapus)

setifrons Parent, 1937:14 (Sciapus) - Zaire, St. Helena

signatus Becker, 1923:35 (Chrysosoma) - Malawi, Zaire, n.comb.

simplex de Meijere, 1910:99 (Agonosoma) - ?Seycheles; Java

steelei sp.n. - Kenya

stuckenbergi Vanschuytbroeck, 1957:3 (Sciapus) - Madagascar

stuckenbergorum Irwin, 1974:236 (Sciopolina) - South Africa

subfascipennis Curran, 1926:386 (Sciapus) - Uganda, Zaire, St. Helena,


sudanensis Parent, 1939:271 (Sciapus) - Sudan, Zaire

tenuicauda Parent, 1936:7 (Sciapus) - Zaire

tropicalis Parent, 1933:40 (Sciapus) - Zaire

Descriptions and new records

Amblypsilopus rosaceus (Wiedemann)

Material examined. 3 males, 7 females, S. Africa (S6), C.P.

Silvermine, N.R. Cape penin, 2-3.I.1972. / Southern African Exp. B.M.


Diagnosis. Very interesting fly with mostly yellow thorax,

abdomen, legs and antenna; all coxae yellow; halteres yellow; lower

calipters with white cilia. Lateral frons with strong seta in both

sexes, one postvertical seta relatively short; arista basodorsal. Six

strong dorsocentrals; some short biseriate acrostichal setae,

restricted in anterior part of mesonotum; scutellum with two strong

and two hairlike lateral setae. Wing venation undisturbed. Legs

simple; fore tibia with two weak dorsal setae; fore basitarsomere not

much longer than tibia, and 4 times as long as second tarsomere; fifth

tarsomere of all tarsi slightly flattened; middle and hind tibiae with

strong setae; hind basitarsomere with short basoventral seta. Cercus

with short hairs, filiform, nearly thrice as long as hypopygium.

Distribution: South Africa, ?Madagascar

Amblypsilopus steelei sp.n. (Fig. 1)

Holotype. Male, Kenya: Kwali Forest, 20 mls W of Mombasa,

1.VI.1948 / Miss. M. Steele. B.M. 1948-347.

Description. Frons broad, shining metallic blue-green. A weak

front vertical bristle bends forward, a strong postvertical one is

positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row.

Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face

green, densely white pollinose, slightly convex, clypeus separated

from eyes, not coming down eyes; face slightly narrowed, 1.7 times as

high as wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis yellow, with light

hairs, palpus also with two black bristles. Antenna yellow, 1.7 times

as long as height of head. Scape slightly swollen; pedicel with a ring

of short setulae, one ventral bristle, twice as long as first

flafellomere, and one shorter dorsal seta. First flagellomere rounded,

slightly longer than heigh, with short yellow hairs. Arista

apicodorsal, bare. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first

flagellomere to arista - 7:6:10:125.

Mesonotum and scutellum brilliantly shining blue-green. Pleura

bronze-green, densely grey pollinose. 5 (?) strong dorsocentral setae;

3 (?) long acrostichals. Scutellum with two strong bristles and two

lateral hairs.

Legs including trochanters yellow. Middle and hind coxae

brown-black, apical segments of tarsi brown (last tarsomeres of middle

and hind tarsi broken). Fore coxa from the front with short white

hairs and 4 or 5 long yellow apical setae. Middle and hind coxae from

the outside with a few yellow hairs, hind coxa also with one external

bristle. Femora practically bare. Fore tibia bare. Fore basitarsomere

slightly broadened, ventrally flattened, with pale pile; fifth

tarsomere flattened. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to

tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 4.8 : 6.5 : 9.7 : 4.0 : 0.7 :

0.9 : 0.5 : 0.5. Middle tibia with 3 antero-dorsal, 2 short

postero-dorsal and 3 or 4 apical bristles. Length ratio of middle coxa

to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to third) - 2.6 :

7.7 : 11.8 : 7.1 : 2.4 : 1.7. Hind tibia with 2 antero-dorsal, 3

postero-dorsal, 3 or 4 apical setae. Length ratio of hind coxa to

femora to tibia to basitarsomere - 2.2 : 9.0 : 14.8 : 5.6.

Wings hyaline, veins brown. R4+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1

gently curved and forming the right angle with M1+2. Ratio of parts of

costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1 - 22 : 4. M2

present as short stub vein and faint fold on membrane. Crossvein m-cu

slightly sinuate. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2

(fork-handle) to apical part of CuA - 45 : 65 : 20. Anal vein and lobe

present. Anal angle right. Squamae yellow, with brown edging and pale

hairs. Halteres yellow, haltere stem thin, twice as long as knob, with

a row of short dark setulae.

Abdomen shining blue-green, white pollinose, with short black

hairs and long black marginal bristles. Base of segments mat-black;

first and second segments with short white hairs; fourth and fifth

segments swollen, with long dark ventral hairs; unmodified segments

together nearly twice as long as mesonotum; seventh segment 1/3 times

as long as sixth. Hypopygium brown. Cercus dark-yellow, wrench-shaped,

with simple basodorsal hairs, hook-shaped setae and one long bristle

in the middle, and numerous short thickened setae on both apical arms.

Surstylus subtriangular, with strong bristles and distodorsal

apophysis. Epandrial lobe prominent, with three setae.

Female. Unknown.

Length: body 6.2 mm; antenna 2.1 mm; wing-length 6.1 mm;

wing-width 1.7 mm.

Distribution: Kenya.

Etymology. The species is named for collector, M. Steele.

Diagnosis. A. steelei has some similarities with A. basilewskyi,

differing by broadened and flattened fore basitarsomere and simple

other tarsomeres, and another morphology of hypopygium. The new

species is closely related to Chrysosoma centrale (Becker, 1923) from

Cameroun, which perharps should be transferred in Amblypsilopus. But

A. steelei differs by larger size, yellow hairs and bristles on fore

coxa and another ratio of fore podomeres.

Amblypsilopus basilewskyi (Vanschuytbroeck) (Fig. 2, 3)

Material examined. 2 males, 1 female, Kenya: 24-29.XII.1970, A.E.

Stubbs. B.M. 1972-211 / Meru, 5-7000 feet. 6 females, Kenya: Nyeri,

III-IV.1948, M. Steele. B.M. 1948-497. 2 males, 2 females, Uganda:

Ruwenzori Range, XII.1934-I.1935. B.M. E. Afr. Exp. B.M. 1935-203 /

Kilembe, 4500 ft., F.W. Edwards.

Additional material. Female, W.Uganda: Kibale Forest, 12.XII.1971

- 9.I.1972, R.L. Mason. Female, Kenya: 9-13.XII.1970, A.E. Stubbs.

B.M. 1972-211 / Nairobi, 5500 feet. Female, Naivasha 3, [19]37, H.J.A.


Description. Frons shining metallic blue-violet. A weak front

vertical bristle bends forward, a strong postvertical one is

positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row.

Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face

violet-green, grey pollinose, slightly concave, clypeus separated from

eyes, hardly coming down eyes; face narrowed, 1.6 times as high as

wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis orange, with light hairs,

palpus also with 1 or 2 black setae. Antenna yellow, as long as height

of head. Scape vase-like; pedicel with a ring of very short setulae,

and with short but strong dorsal and ventral setae. First flagellomere

rounded or oval, with short yellow hairs. Arista dorsal, preapical,

bare. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista

- 9:6:10:165.

Mesonotum and scutellum brilliantly shining blue-green, sometimes

with copper reflection. Pleura bronze-green, with brown sutures, grey

pollinose. Two strong posterior and four hairlike anterior

dorsocentral setae; two or three pairs of long acrostichals, organized

in irregular rows. Scutellum with two strong bristles.

Legs including coxae and trochanters light-yellow. Middle and

hind coxae with blackish-brown external spot. Sometimes (Uganda) only

middle coxa with long and narrow external brown spot; apical four

segments of posterior four tarsi brown. Fore coxa from the front with

white hairs and four yellow apical setae. Middle and hind coxae from

the outside with a few yellow hairs. All femora with very short hairs

and setulae. Fore tibia with 3 or 4 dorsal, 2 or 3 apical setae;

fourth tarsomere with irregular antero-dorsal, dorsal, postero-dorsal

and posterior dark hairs, which twice as long as article diameter;

fifth tarsomere of fore tarsus oval, broadened and flattened, with

curved posterior flag of long yellow setae, twice as long as width of

tarsomere. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus

(segments from first to fifth) - 2.4 : 4.1 : 5.2 : 5.2 : 2.3 : 1.3 :

0.7 : 0.7. Middle femora with two apicoventral hairs; tibia with 4 or

6 antero-dorsal, 4 or 5 postero-dorsal, 1 to 3 ventral and 4 or 5

apical bristles. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to

tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 1.9 : 4.7 : 9.0 : 7.1 : 2.0 :

1.3 : 0.7 : 0.3. Hind tibia with 2 or 3 anterior, 3 or 4

antero-dorsal, 9 to 11 postero-dorsal, 7 to 9 ventral and 4 or 5

apical setae. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus

(segments from first to second) - 1.5 : 6.5 : 10.2 : 5.2 : 2.4.

Wings hyaline, smoky in anterior part, veins brown. R4+5 gently

curved to M1 in apical fifth. M1 gently curved and forming the right

angle with M1+2. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to

those between R4+5 and M1 - 29 : 10. M2 well developed. Crossvein m-cu

slightly sinuate. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2

(fork-handle) to apical part of CuA - 73 : 81 : 25. Anal vein and lobe

present. Anal angle right. Lower calipter yellow, with yellow hairs.

Haltere yellow, knob orange; haltere stem thin, 3.5 times as long as

knob, with a row of dark setulae in apical half.

Abdomen long and thin, shining blue-green, whitish pollinose,

with short black hairs and long black marginal bristles. Base of

segments mat-black; first tergum with membranous excavation and short

white lateral hairs; sternum with white hairs. 1st-6th segments

together more than thrice as long as mesonotum; 7th segment 2/3 as

long as 6th one, with hairs and sometimes with marginal bristles. 7th

and 8th segments either black-brown or yellow-brown. Hypopygium brown.

Hypopygial foramen left basolateral. Cercus yellow, with yellow hairs

and apical brush of long dark setae. Surstylus black. Hypandrial hood

broad, reaching the middle of surstylus. Hypandrial arm thin and long,

arising at midlength of hypandrium and extending beyond apex of

surstylus. Aedeagus with developed dorsal angle. 1 or 2 ventral

epandrial setae.

Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual

characters, otherwise as follows: frons with a strong vertical seta;

face twice as high as wide under antennae; clypeus slightly bulging;

ventral postcranium with additional row of 6 or 7 strong yellow

bristles; fore coxa with a row of 9 yellow spine-like anterior

bristles. All tarsi from the end of basitarsomere brown; ratio of

first to second tarsomere of fore, middle and hind tarsi - 4.1:1.5;

4.8:1.7; 3.9:1.9. 9th hemitergite with two thin spatulate setae;

cercus long, with two long apical setae.

Length: male body 9.7 mm; antenna 2.5 mm; female body 7.4 mm;

wing-length 8.4 mm; wing-width 2.3 mm.

Distribution: Uganda (!), Tanzania, Kenya (!).

Diagnosis. Specimens examined are identical to brief and

incomplete description (Vanschuytbroeck, 1960) of A. basilewskyi,

collected in Kilimandjaro District of Tanzania, but may represent a

separate species. Males have yellow flag on broadened fifth tarsomere

of fore tarsus. Males from Kenya have some differences with males from

Uganda as noted. First flagellomere rounded, as long as high; middle

and hind coxae with blackish-brown external spot; middle femora with

antero-ventral row of somewhat elongated dark hairs, which at most as

long as femora diameter; seventh abdominal segment with long fine

hairs, without strong bristles; cercus with somewhat stronger setae.

Otherwise hypopygium of both male series is almost identical. Females

of both types, collected in Kenya and Uganda, present in the


Amblypsilopus nartshukae sp.n. (Fig. 4)

Holotype. Male. Angola: 2 miles S. Luanda, G.R. Gradwell & D.

Snow / Mangrove swamp / O.U.E.C. Exp. to Angola. B.M. 1950-337.

Paratypes. 1 male and 6 females, the same labels.

Description. Frons broad, shining metallic green. A strong front

vertical bristle bends forward, postvertical one is positioned as a

linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ventral postcranium

covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face blue-green, wholly

white pollinose, clypeus separated from eyes; face slightly narrowed,

1.3 times as high as wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis short,

yellow, palpus with light hairs and 2 black bristles. Antenna black,

shorter than height of head. Pedicel with long and strong dorsal and

ventral bristles, thrice as long as pedicel. First flagellomere oval,

shorter than its height, with short hairs. Arista apicodorsal,

microscopically haired. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first

flagellomere to arista - 5:5:5:48.

Mesonotum and scutellum brilliantly shining green with copper

reflection. Pleura bronze-green, grey pollinose. 2 strong posterior

and 1 strong anterior with 2 middle hairlike dorsocentral setae; 3

long acrostichals, restricted to anterior half of mesonotum.

Scutellum with two strong bristles and two lateral hairs.

Legs including fore and middle trochanters yellow. Middle and

hind coxae bronze-black, the very base of fore coxa, hind trochanter

and apical segments of tarsi dark-brown. Fore coxa from the front with

short white hairs and three long yellow apical setae. Middle and hind

coxae from the front with a few yellow hairs, hind coxa with light

external bristle. All trochanters and femora with very short pale

ventral hairs in basal half, hind femora with a few postero-ventral

hairs in apical third. Fore tibia with short basodorsal seta; middle

tibia with short basal antero-dorsal seta. Second to fifth tarsomeres

of fore and middle tarsi with irregular erected setulae; fifth

tarsomere of the same tarsi slightly flattened, with well developed

pulvilli; fourth and fifth tarsomeres of hind tarsus flattened and

ventrally pad-like. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to

tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 5.0 : 7.5 : 8.1 : 5.3 : 2.0 :

1.6 : 1.3 : 0.8. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to

tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 3.5 : 8.0 : 11.5 : 7.0 : 3.3 :

2.2 : 1.5 : 0.8. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to

tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 2.5 : 10.5 : 14.5 : 5.6 : 3.4

: 2.0 : 1.2 : 0.9.

Wings hyaline, veins brown. R4+5 gently curved to M1 in apical

fifth. M1 gently curved and forming the right angle with M1+2. Ratio

of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1 -

22 : 6. M2 present as short stub vein and faint fold on membrane.

Crossvein m-cu straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1

+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA - 31 : 39 : 17. Anal vein and

lobe present. Anal angle sharp. Lower calipter yellow, with brown

edging and white hairs. Halteres yellow, haltere stem as long as knob,

with a fringe of six short black setulae from above.

Abdomen shining blue-green, with copper reflection; all segments

with short black hairs and a few long black bristles; venter with

white hairs. Apical border of segments somewhat darker; first tergum

with narrow membranous excavation. 1st-6th segments together nearly

twice as long as mesonotum. Hypopygium black-brown. Cercus yellow,

digitiform, pointed on apex, with small distodorsal apophysis.

Surstylus curved, distally broadened, with two distodorsal

prominences. Epandrial lobe prominent, with long apical and subapical


Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual

characters, otherwise as follows: body usually shining metallic

green, with lesser blue and copper reflection than in males; middle

dorsocentral setae somewhat stronger than in males; all tibiae with

one basal anterodorsal seta. Ratio of first to second tarsomere of

fore, middle and hind tarsi - 4.5:1.8; 6.0:2.6; 4.3:3.8.

Length: male body 4.3 - 4.6 mm; antenna 0.9 mm; female body 3.2 -

3.3 mm; wing-length 3.7 mm; wing-width 1.2 mm.

Distribution: Angola.

Etymology. The species is named for Russian dipterologist Dr.

Emilia P. Nartshuk.

Diagnosis. A. nartshukae is related to A. haemorhoidalis. Males of

the new species strongly differ by small hypopygium and short cercus

with distodorsal apophysis. Wings hyaline, fore and middle tarsi with

erected ciliation, otherwise legs practically simple. Females are

closely related to A. nubilis, differing in wholly black antenna,

shorter posterior tarsus, and hind tibia setation.

Amblypsilopus bipectinatus (Parent)

Material examined: Male, Kenya: Aberdare Range, X.1934,

B.M.E.Afr.Exp. B.M.1935-203 / Mt. Kinangop, 8000 ft (F.W. Edwards) /

Cedar forest.

Diagnosis. A. bipectinatus is associated with a group of species

having black antenna and mostly brown-black posterior four coxae. It

can be distinctly separated by anterior and ventral erected and

thickened chetulae on middle tibia and basitarsomere. Additional

diagnostic features are as follows. All coxae with yellow hairs and

bristles; last segments of fore tarsus with some remarkable hairs;

hind tibia with 6 to 8 anterior bristles and a few weak posterior and

dorsal setae; hind basitarsomere with a few weak anteroventral setae;

cercus with long yellow dorso-apical hairs.

Amblypsilopus gorodkovi sp.n. (Fig. 5)

Holotype. Male. Tanzania: Kwamsambia, Tanga region / 1-18.II.1987,

leg. Mahunka, Zicsi [HNHM].

Description. Frons metallic blue-green. Ventral postcranium

covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face wide, metallic

blue-green, pollinose; face slightly narrowed, 1.2 times as high as

wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis orange, palpus with light

hairs and 1 black bristle. Antenna black, not longer than height of

head. Pedicel with short but strong dorsal and ventral bristles. First

flagellomere subtriangular, as long as heigh, with short hairs. Arista

basodorsal, microscopically haired.

Mesonotum metallic, dark blue-green (setae broken). Pleura

bronze-green, grey pollinose. Scutellum with two strong bristles.

Legs including trochanters light-yellow. Middle and hind coxae

brown in basal half, fore femora brownish ventrally in basal half,

apical segments of tarsi brown-black, fifth tarsomere of middle tarsus

white. Fore coxa from the front with white hairs. Middle and hind

coxae from the outside with a few light hairs. Fore femora with

ventral brush of dirty-yellow curved hairs in basal half, which as

long as femora diameter, middle and hind femora with a few short light

basoventral hairs. Fore tibia and tarsus simple. Length ratio of fore

coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 5.1

: 7.3 : 7.4 : 9.0 : 2.6 : 2.0 : 1.3 : 0.9. Middle tibia without setae;

middle tarsus with slightly flattened fourth tarsomere and suboval

fifth tarsomere. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to

tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 2.7 : 7.2 : 12.2 : 11.0 : 3.0

: 2.0 : 1.2 : 1.0. Hind tibia with a few weak postero-dorsal setae.

Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from

first to fifth) - 2.0 : 11.0 : 16.0 : 7.2 : 3.7 : 2.2 : 1.4 : 0.8.

Wings hyaline, with parallel anterior and posterior borders,

veins brown. R4+5 gently curved to M1 in apical fifth. M1+2 and M1

form the right angle. M1 with elbow-shaped bend, than almost straight.

Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5

and M1 - 24 : 5. M2 present as stub vein and faint fold on membrane.

M1+2 distinctly convex anteriorly near junction with m-cu. Crossvein

m-cu straight or slightly convex. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical

part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA - 33 : 35 : 10. Anal

vein and lobe present. Anal angle sharp. Lower calipter yellow, with

brown edging and yellow hairs. Halteres yellow, haltere stem thin,

twice as long as knob.

Abdomen shining blue-green, with short light hairs. Apical border

of segments somewhat darker; 1st-6th segments together nearly thrice

as long as mesonotum. Hypopygium and 7th segment dark-brown. Cercus

brown, with light hairs, bifurcated. Surstylus with elongated external

apophysis. Hypandrial arm with serrations. Epandrial lobe reduced.

Female. Unknown.

Length: body with hypopygium 4.4 mm; antenna 0.5 mm; wing-length

3.7 mm; wing-width 1.1 mm.

Distribution: Tanzania.

Etymology. The species is named for Russian dipterologist Dr.

K.B. Gorodkov.

Diagnosis. A. gorodkovi is related with a group of species having

black antenna and mostly brown-black posterior four coxae. It clearly

differs from other species by ventral brush of long dense curved hairs

on fore femora, white fifth tarsomere of middle tarsus and bifurcated

cercus. Surstylus with elongated external apophysis. Hypandrial arm

with serrations. Epandrial lobe reduced.

Amblypsilopus longifilus (Becker) (Fig. 6)

Chrysosoma longifilum Becker, 1923:28 (HNHM, types lost)

Amblypsilopus longifilus (Becker). - Bickel, 1994:352

Neotype, here designated. Male. E. Africa: Arusha, 4.I.1961, B.

Hocking / Hocking Colln, B.M. 1980-386.

Description. Frons shining metallic violet-green, with three

curved black vertical setae. Two rather long postvertical bristles are

positioned in the middle of each lateral half of posterior frons. One

pair of postocellar hairs, upper postocular setae nearly as long as

postvertical bristles. Ventral postcranium covered with dense

irregular white hairs. Face violet-green, weakly white pollinose,

epistome slightly bulging, clypeus separated from eyes, not coming

down eyes; face narrowed, as high as wide under antennae. Palpi and

proboscis short, black with light hairs, palpus also with two long

black bristles. Antenna black, 1 and 3/4 as long as height of head.

Pedicel with a ring of short setulae and at least one strong dorsal

bristle, which as long as next article. First flagellomere

asymmetrically triangular, as long as high at base, with short ventral

hairs. Arista apical, bare. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first

flagellomere to arista - 4:5:9:123.

Mesonotum and scutellum blackish with metallic green-violet

reflection. Pleura dark bronze-green, whitish pollinose. Two strong

posterior and a few hairlike anterior dorsocentral setae; three pairs

of long acrostichals. Scutellum with two strong bristles.

Legs mostly black; fore and middle knees, tibiae and

basitarsomeres in basal half yellow. All coxae with white hairs,

longest on lateral side of fore coxa. All femora with two rows of

white ventral hairs in basal half, which longer than femora diameter.

Middle femora on postero-ventral surface with white hairs turning into

long black hairs in apical half. Fifth tarsomere of all tarsi slightly

flattened. Fore tibia bare. Apical third of fore basitarsomere with

ventral pad of short hooked hairs. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora

to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 4.0 : 8.0 : 8.1 :

5.8 : 2.2 : 1.2 : 0.8 : 0.7. Middle tibia with two short and weak

dorsal setae. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus

(segments from first to fifth) - 3.1 : 8.6 : 11.7 : 8.5 : 3.0 : 1.9 :

1.1 : 0.8. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus

(segments from first to fifth) - 2.0 : 11.5 : 15.2 : 7.8 : 3.1 : 1.8 :

0.9 : 0.9.

Wings hyaline, veins brown. R1 long, extending behind the middle

of wing. M1 forming sharp internal angle with M1+2, slightly recurved

basad, with right angle bend, than straight. R4+5 gently curved to M1

in apical fifth. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to

those between R4+5 and M1 - 24 : 7. M2 present as short stub vein and

faint fold on membrane. Crossvein m-cu straight, forming obtuse angle

with M1+2. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2

(fork-handle) to apical part of CuA - 44 : 41 : 25. Anal vein present

as faint fold. Alula and anal lobe well developed. Anal angle

extremely sharp. Lower calipter brown, with black setae. Halteres

black, haltere stem twice as long as knob, with a group of hairs from


Abdomen shining, dark blue-green, with short black hairs and

long black bristles. Borders of segments narrowly black; first tergum

with narrow pale membranous excavation and short white hairs; venter

with long black hairs. 1st-6th segments together nearly twice as long

as mesonotum. Hypopygium black-brown. Cercus brown, whiplike with

long black cilia, longest on basoventral surface; those cilia at most

1/7 as long as cercus. Surstylus strongly curved. Epandrial lobe

prominent, with two apical setae.

Length: body 4.5 mm; postabdomen 1.8 mm; antenna 2.0 mm;

wing-length 4.4 mm; wing-width 1.4 mm.

Distribution: Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Zaire, St. Helena.

Diagnosis. A. longifilus is associated with parilis Group,

differing by the following combination of characters. Lateral frons

with two postvertical setae; face metallic blue green, thinly grey

pollinose; palpus black, proboscis brown; all femora with two rows of

white ventral hairs in basal half, which longer than femora diameter;

middle femora on posteroventral surface with white hairs turning into

long black hairs in apical half; fore and middle basitarsomeres

yellow-brown; first tarsomere of fore tarsus 2.6 times as long as

second article; apical third of fore basitarsomere with ventral pad of

short fine hairs; middle tibia with two short dorsal setae; cercus

long, filiform, with long cilia; epandrial lobe prominent.

Remark. Becker (1923) described A. longifilus from 2 males and a

female collected at Katona-Arusha and Mujenja (HNHM, lost). Neotype

from the same locality (Arusha) differs from the description by

Becker in palp, proboscis and basitarsomeres coloration. All those

characters are very variable in other species of Amblypsilopus

(Irwin, 1974; Bickel, 1994).

Amblypsilopus parilis (Parent) (Fig. 7)

Material examined. 2 males, N.Nigeria: Nguru, 14.III.1971, J.C.

Deeming. Female, Nigeria: Samaru, 23-25.VI.1970, P.H. Ward. B.M.

1970-604. Male, S.W. Africa (W49): Rietfontein, 23 mls SW

Grootfontein, 3.VI.1972 / Southern African Exp. B.M. 1972-1. Male, By

Sanyati R., Tsetse Fly Ops., S.Rhodesia, 8.I.1956, nr. Kanba Camp,

coll. R. Goovier, 58-9 [NHML].

Description. Similar to A. longifilus except as noted. Frons with

two or three curved black vertical setae. One or two postvertical

bristles, upper postocular setae short. Face except upper part densely

white pollinose. Antenna black, 1 and 1/3 as long as height of head.

First flagellomere asymmetrically triangular, 1 and 1/3 as long as

high at base, with short ventral hairs. Arista apical, microscopically

haired. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to

arista - 5:5:9:65.

Mesonotum and scutellum metallic blue-green. Two or three long


Legs mostly black; fore and middle knees, tibiae and

basitarsomeres yellow. Specimens from Nigeria with mostly yellow hind

tibia. All femora with two rows of white ventral hairs in basal half,

which shorter than femora diameter. Middle and hind femora on

postero-ventral surface with three or four preapical black hairs. Fore

tarsomeres with simple setulae. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to

tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 3.5 : 5.6 : 6.7 : 4.5

: 1.7 : 1.1 : 0.7 : 0.5. Middle tibia and tarsus with short erected

setulae. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus

(segments from first to fifth) - 2.7 : 7.4 : 9.9 : 6.2 : 3.2 : 2.0 :

1.4 : 0.7. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus

(segments from first to fifth) - 2.0 : 9.2 : 12.2 : 6.0 : 2.8 : 1.6 :

0.9 : 0.6.

Wing vein R1 long, extending upto the middle of wing. Ratio of

parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1 - 21

: 7. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to

apical part of CuA - 30 : 33 : 15.

Hypopygium black. Cercus blackish, whiplike, with light and dark

dense hairs, which at most 1/10 as long as cercus. Surstylus strongly

curved. Epandrial lobe reduced, with its setae raising on the ventral

side of surstylus base.

Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual

characters, otherwise as follows: frons with strong vertical bristle;

first flagellomere as long as heigh at base; R1 slightly shorter than

in males, ending before the middle of wing; haltere dirty yellow;

middle tibia with one antero-dorsal setae. Ratio of first to second

tarsomere of fore, middle and hind tarsi - 2.1:1.1; 3.5:1.3; 2.6:1.9.

Abdomen shining green, without black bands; ninth hemitergit long,

with two long spinate setae; cercus long, with two long apical hairs.

Length: body 3.5 mm; postabdomen 1.3 mm; antenna 1.2 mm; female

body 2.7 mm; wing-length 3.5 mm; wing-width 1.2 mm.

Distribution: South Africa, Namibia (!), Zimbabwe (!), Tanzania,

Zaire, Nigeria (!).

Diagnosis. A. parilis differs by the following combination of

characters. Face white pollinose; palpus and proboscis black; all

femora with two rows of short white ventral hairs in basal half; first

tarsomere of fore tarsus 2.65 times as long as second article and

nearly as long as rest; fore tarsus with simple setulae; middle tibia

and tarsus with short erected setulae. Cercus blackish, whiplike, with

light and dark dense hairs, which at most 1/10 as long as cercus.

Epandrial lobe reduced, with its setae raising on the ventral side of

surstylus base.

Amblypsilopus auratus (Curran) (Fig. 8)

Material examined. 5 males and a female, Njombe, 6000-6500 ft,

Tanganyika, 10-18.I.1952, Dr. W.Peters. Male, Nigeria: Ilorin,

17.V.1912, J.W.Scott-Mcfie. Male, By Sanyati R., Tsetse Fly Ops.,

S.Rhodesia, 8.I.1956, nr. Kanba Camp, coll. R. Goovier, 58-9 [NHML].

Male, S.Africa: Cape Province, 18.XI.1954, C.H. Andrewes / Brit. Mus.

1955-68 / [?] 14.II.1954.

Description. Similar to A. longifilus except as noted. Frons

with a group of curved black vertical setae. One postvertical

bristle. Antenna twice as long as height of head. Arista slightly

thickened at base, microscopically haired in apical half. Length

ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista -


Legs black. All femora with two rows of white ventral hairs in

basal 2/3, which longer than femora diameter. Fore and middle femora

on posterior surface with a few black hairs in apical third. Fore

tibia and tarsus with postero-ventral and postero-dorsal rows of

somewhat elongated setulae; fore tibia with two fine posteroventral

setae. Apical third or half of fore basitarsomere and second

tarsomere with ventral pad of short fine hairs. Middle tibia with two

weak ventral setae. (All ratios for males collected from Tanzania).

Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from

first to fifth) - 4.3 : 7.0 : 7.5 : 3.8 : 2.7 : 1.4 : 0.8 : 0.7.

Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments

from first to fifth) - 3.0 : 7.5 : 9.8 : 7.0 : 2.2 : 1.6 : 0.9 : 0.7.

Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from

first to fifth) - 2.3 : 9.0 : 13.3 : 5.5 : 2.6 : 1.5 : 1.0 : 0.7.

Wing vein R1 long, ending just before the middle of wing. M1

forming right angle with M1+2, strongly curved to apex, than

straight. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those

between R4+5 and M1 - 30 : 8. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part

of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA - 39 : 36 : 21.

Hypopygium black. Cercus brown, short, strap-like (dorsal view),

with short black hairs. Surstylus strongly curved, flattened and oval

in apical half (ventral view), with 8 - 13 distolateral setulae and

thin dorsoapical hook. Epandrial lobe reduced with 2 or 3 setae

raising on the ventral side of surstylus base.

Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual

characters, otherwise as follows: frons with strong vertical seta;

face 1.4 times as high as wide under antenna; middle tibia with one

anterodorsal bristle. Ratio of first to second tarsomere of fore,

middle and hind tarsi - 3.9:2.1; 5.2:2.7; 5.2:2.8. Halteres yellow.

Abdomen shining green, without black bands; ninth hemitergit long,

with two long spinate setae; cercus long, with two long apical hairs.

Length: body 3.6 - 4.2 mm; postabdomen 0.6 mm; antenna 1.6 mm;

female body 3.1 mm; wing-length 3.8 - 4.0 mm; wing-width 1.5 mm.

Distribution: South Africa, Zimbabwe (!), Zambia, Angola, Zaire,

Nigeria, Tanzania (!).

Diagnosis. A. auratus differs by the following combination of

characers. Legs black; all femora with two rows of white ventral

hairs in basal 2/3, which longer than femora diameter; fore tibia

with two fine postero-ventral setae; middle tibia with weaker two

ventral and 0 - 1 basodorsal setae; first tarsomere of fore tarsus

3/4 to 7/5 as long as second article and 2/5 to 2/3 as long as rest

tarsomeres; apical third or half of fore basitarsomere with ventral

pad of short fine hairs; fourth and fifth tarsomeres of hind tarsus

flattened; m-cu straight. Cercus brown, short, strap-like (dorsal

view), with short black hairs. Surstylus strongly curved, flattened

and oval in apical half (ventral view), with 8 - 13 distolateral

setulae and thin dorsoapical hook.

Amblypsilopus cilifrons (Parent) (Fig. 9)

Material examined. 4 males, N.Nigeria: Zaria, Samaru, 2.VII.1967,

19.III.1971 & 16.VII.1972, J.C. Deeming. Male, Nigeria: Samaru, 6-23.

VIII.1970, P.H. Ward. B.M. 1970-604 / Mercury vapour light trap. Male,

Nigeria: N.W.State, Mokwa. I.A.R. Mile 1, 8-17.VIII.1970, P.H. Ward.

B.M. 1970-604 / M/V light white sheet. 2 males, Togo: Bassari, sur les

boeufs, 16.VII.1971, R.Mable [ZIN].

Description. Similar to A. longifilus except as noted. Frons with

a group of curved black vertical setae. One postvertical bristle.

Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista -


Legs mostly black; fore and middle tibiae and basitarsomeres

yellow to dark-brown. All coxae with white hairs, longest on lateral

side of fore coxa; middle coxa sometimes with a few dark apical hairs.

All femora with two rows of white ventral hairs in basal 2/3, which

longer than femora diameter. Fore and middle femora on postero-ventral

surface with a row of black hairs in apical third. Tibiae bare. Fifth

tarsomere of anterior four tarsi slightly flattened. Fore

basitarsomere and following article with ventral pad of short fine

hairs. Fourth and fifth tarsomeres of hind tarsus flattened. (All

ratios for males with black-brown legs). Length ratio of fore coxa to

femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 3.4 : 6.0 :

5.9 : 3.5 : 1.7 : 1.0 : 0.5 : 0.5. Length ratio of middle coxa to

femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 2.2 : 6.8 :

8.2 : 6.0 : 1.6 : 1.2 : 0.6 : 0.6. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora

to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 1.9 : 8.2 : 11.4 :

5.1 : 2.0 : 1.2 : 0.7 : 0.6.

Wing vein R1 long, ending just before the middle of wing. Costa

with short crocheted setulae. M1 forming right angle with M1+2, with

obtuse angle bend, than straight. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3

and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1 - 25 : 6. M2 present as faint

fold on membrane. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2

(fork-handle) to apical part of CuA - 28 : 32 : 16.

Hypopygium black. Cercus short, black, strap-like (dorsal view),

densely haired, with a brush of longer black hairs on apex. Surstylus

strongly curved, flattened and oval (ventral view), with 5 - 6

distolateral setulae, one of which longest, and with thin dorsoapical

hook. Epandrial lobe reduced with 1 or 2 setae raising on the ventral

side of surstylus base.

Length: body 3.4 - 3.8 mm; postabdomen 0.6 mm; antenna 1.2 - 1.4

mm; wing-length 3.0 - 3.3 mm; wing-width 1.0 - 1.2 mm.

Distribution: Nigeria, Togo (!), Zaire, Kenya.

Diagnosis. A. cilifrons is associated with auratus Group,

differing by the following combination of characters. Legs mostly

black; fore and middle tibiae and basitarsomeres yellow to

dark-brown. All femora with two rows of white ventral hairs in basal

2/3, which longer than femora diameter; fore tibia without erected

setulae; first tarsomere of fore tarsus 1.5 - 2 times as long as

second article and 2/3 to 9/10 as long as rest tarsomeres; fore

basitarsomere and following article with ventral pad of short fine

hairs; fourth and fifth tarsomeres of hind tarsus flattened; m-cu

straight. Cercus black, short, strap-like (dorsal view), densely

haired, with a brush of longer black hairs on apex. Surstylus

strongly curved, flattened and oval (ventral view), with 5 - 6

distolateral setulae, one of which longest, and with thin dorsoapical


Amblypsilopus miserus (Parent)

Material examined. Male, Nyanyana R. area, Tsetse Fly Ops.,

S.Rhodesia, 14.I.1956, 10 m E of Kanba Gorge, coll. R. Goovier, 145


Diagnosis. A. miserus is associated with auratus Group, differing

by the following combination of characters. Frons with two or three

curved black vertical setae. One postvertical bristle. Upper

postocular setae long. First flagellomere asymmetrically triangular,

as long as high at base. Mesonotum with two strong posterior and a

few hairlike anterior dorsocentral setae; three pairs of long

acrostichals. Legs mostly black; fore and middle tibiae and

basitarsomeres yellow. All femora with whitish ventral hairs, not

longer than femora diameter. Fore tibia and basitarsomere with fine

erected ciliation on dorsal side. Fore basitarsomere except base and

second tarsomere with ventral pad of short hooked hairs; first

tarsomere of fore tarsus 1.25 times as long as second article and

half as long as rest tarsomeres. R1 long, ending just before the

middle of wing. Costa with short setulae; crossvein m-cu straight.

Cercus short.

Distribution: Mozambique, Zimbabwe (!).

Key to Afrotropical species of Amblypsilopus

(females usually cannot be identified without males of the same series)

1. Males............................................................2

- Females.........................................................34

2. R2+3 and R4+5 fused at wing apex.................................3

- No...............................................................7

3. Postocellar hairs numerous (at least more than a single pair);

first flagellomere dark brown; cercus elongate with flattened area

at tip...........................................................4

- Postocellar hairs, one pair; first flagellomere yellowish; cercus

small with tapered tip...........................................5

4. Wing heavily infuscate; vein M1 not recurved basad; apical

sclerotized spot of wing tip not reaching posterior margin of wing

................................................A. stuckenbergorum

- Wing lightly infuscate; M1 strongly recurved basad; apical

sclerotized spot of wing tip reaching posterior margin of wing....

.....................................................A. retrovenus

5. Wing with reduced apical sclerotized spot and a dense patch of

thickened macrotrichia; wing with two rows of hook-like setae

below M1; cercus small with elongate base.............A. fasciatus

- Wing with well-developed apical sclerotized spot and no dense patch

of thickened macrotrichia; wing without rows of hook-like setae;

cercus small with short, rounded base............................6

6. Arista cylindrical at tip; upcurved portion of wing vein M1 beyond

fork M1+2 with definite, thickened spot; m-cu with two slightly

thickened areas, these thickenings not forming distinct spots.....

........................................................A. bonniae

- Arista horizontally spatulate at tip; upcurved portion of M1 beyond

fork M1+2 with slightly swollen, darkened area; m-cu with two

definite, swollen spots...........................A. macularivenus

7. M2 absent; M1 with strong V-shaped curvature..............A. lenga

- Venation normal..................................................8

8. Fore coxa yellow; haltere usually yellow; lower calipter usually

with light setae.................................................9

- Fore coxa black at least in basal half; haltere usually

black-brown; lower calipter usually with black setae............21

9. All coxae wholly yellow.........................................10

- At least middle coxa with blackish-brown spot...................13

10. Mesonotum and pleura blue-green; haltere black; lower calipter

with black setae.....................................A. setifrons

- Thorax mostly yellow; haltere yellow; lower calipter with white


11. Fore tibia with long curved posterior seta.......A. pallidicornis

- Fore tibia without such seta...................................12

12. Fore basitarsomere as long as fore femora and tibia together; 4th

and 5th tarsomeres of all tarsi flattened; cercus with two long

dorsal setae......................................A. stuckenbergi

- Fore basitarsomere not much longer than fore tibia; 5th tarsomere

of all tarsi slightly flattened; cercus filiform, with short

hairs, nearly thrice as long as hypopygium............A. rosaceus

13. Antenna yellow; fore tarsomeres somewhat modified..............14

- Antenna black; fore tarsus usually simple......................15

14. Fore basitarsomere enlarged, with ventral pile; other tarsomeres

simple.................................................A. steelei

- Fore basitarsomere simple; 5th tarsomere of the same tarsus

black, enlarged, with flag of long yellow setae....A. basilewskyi

15. Fore coxa with five or six yellow setae, organized in two

belt-shaped groups; cercus long and narrow, with apical brush of

hairs and basoventral prominence....................A. coalescens

- Fore coxa with usual hairs and/or bristles, at most with brush-form


16. m-cu sinuate; middle tibia progressively blackish in apical half;

cercus triangular, knife-shaped, with long dorsal chetae.........

..................................................A. cuthbertsoni

- m-cu straight or slightly convex; middle tibia yellow..........17

17. Middle tibia and basitarsomere with anterior and ventral

ciliation of thickened setulae, which as long as tibia diameter..

..................................................A. bipectinatus

- Middle tibia with simple setulae...............................18

18. Fore femora with ventral brush of long dense curved yellow-brown

hairs; 5th tarsomere of middle tarsus white; cercus bifurcated...

.....................................................A. gorodkovi

- Fore femora without such brush.................................19

19. Wing with small dark apical spot; 4 dorsocentral setae...........

.........................................................A. nanus

- Wing hyaline; 2 or 3 strong dorsocentral bristles..............20

20. Fore and middle tarsi with erected ciliation; hypopygium and 7th

segment small, cercus short, bifurcated on apex......A. narchukae

- Tarsi with simple ciliation; 7th abdominal segment long, hypopygium

big, cercus long and curved, with brush of hairs on apex,

reaching second abdominal segment...............A. haemorhoidalis

21. At least fore femora with long brown-black ventral bristles....22

- Fore femora with white ciliation below, sometimes with a few dorsal

or preapical black hairs, or bare..............................26

22. Hind femora yellow, blackish at most in basal fourth or narrowly

black at apex..................................................23

- Hind femora mostly black.......................................24

23. All femora with long black ventral bristles; fore and hind femora

blackish in basal fourth..............................A.finitimus

- Middle and (?) hind femora with short dense hairs; fore femora

yellow, hind femora narrowly blackish at base.........A.aenescens

24. Fore femora with two black ventral bristles in basal fourth, other

femora bare; fore and middle legs brown dorsally and yellow


- At least fore and hind femora with a row of long bristles......25

25. Legs entirely black; all femora with a row of brown or black


- Fore and middle femora partly yellow, fore tibia yelow; middle

femora with short hairs................................A.inflexus

26. Cercus short, usually broad, not much longer than epandrium....27

- Cercus filiform, at least twice as long as epandrium...........31

27. m-cu distinctly sinuate; fore tarsus (?) simple; 3.2 mm..........


- m-cu straight or nearly straight; fore tibia and basitarsomere

usually with ventral pad of short fine cilia...................28

28. All femora bare; fore tarsus (?) simple; last three tarsomeres of

hind tarsus flattened; 2.5 mm.........................A.pernigrus

- Femora with long white ventral hairs; first and second tarsomeres

of fore tarsus with ventral pad of short fine cilia, which at

least half as long as width of tarsomeres; last two tarsomeres of

hind tarsus flattened; body longer than 3.5 mm.................29

29. Femora with white ventral cilia, not longer than femora diameter;

fore tibia and basitarsomere with fine erected ciliation on dorsal


- Femora with white ventral cilia, which longer than femora diameter;

fore tibia and basitarsomere without erected setulae...........30

30. Fore basitarsomere 3/4 to 7/5 as long as second tarsomere and 2/5

to 2/3 as long as rest tarsomeres from second to fifth..A.auratus

- Fore basitarsomere 1.5 - 2 times as long as second tarsomere and

from 2/3 to 9/10 as long as rest tarsomeres from second to fifth.


31. Fore and middle femora, apical half of fore coxa reddish yellow;

fore basitarsomere with 5 strong dorsal bristles; fore tibia with

two ventral setae; cercus long and narrow, with slightly enlarged

base and apex, and with more strong hairs on apex...A.flabellifer

- All femora mostly black; fore basitarsomere without strong dorsal


32. Middle tibia and basitarsomere with erected setulae; all femora

with two rows of short white ventral hairs in basal half.........


- Middle tibia and basitarsomere with simple setulae.............33

33. All femora with white ventral hairs in basal half, which longer

than femora diameter; middle femora with white hairs turning into

long black hairs in apical half on postero-ventral surface; apical

third of fore basitarsomere with ventral pad of short hooked hairs;

middle tibia with two short dorsal setae; cercus with long ventral

cilia; surstylus strongly curved.....................A.longifilus

- Femora bare; fore tarsus with simple setulae; cercus with short

hairs; surstylus long, almost straight...........................

..............................A. signatus (3 mm), A.munroi (4 mm)

34. Vertex shallowly excavated, ocellar tubercle not prominent;

clypeus and mouthparts strongly projecting; body mostly yellow.


- Vertex distinctly excavated....................................35

35. Fore coxa yellow...............................................36

- All coxae black................................................47

36. Lower calipter with black cilia; coxae yellow, middle coxa black

from outside; middle tibia with one dorsal seta; 2 mm............


- Lower calipter with pale cilia; body longer than 3 mm..........37

37. Acrostichals long, more than half as long as dorsocentral setae


- Acrostichals short.............................................41

38. Antenna yellow......................................A.basilewskyi

- Antenna black..................................................39

39. Fore femora with a row of strong pale setae, which longer than

femora diameter; hind basitarsomere black............A.sudanensis

- Fore femora without strong setae; hind basitarsomere partly


40. Scape red; hind tibia bare; hind tarsus longer than tibia........


- Antenna wholly black; hind tibia with one anterodorsal seta;

hind tarsus shorter than tibia.......................A.nartshukae

41. m-cu shorter than M1+2 distad of m-cu (if not, then ocellar hairs

numerous, first flagellomere brown)............................42

- m-cu longer than M1+2 distad of m-cu (if not, then only one

pair of ocellar hairs, first flagellomere yellowish)...........43

42. First flagellomere dark-brown; 4 mm.............A.stuckenbergorum

- First flagellomere yellow-orange; 9 mm...............A.tropicalis

43. Ratio of m-cu to M1+2 distad of m-cu greater than 1.5..........44

- Ratio of m-cu to M1+2 distad of m-cu less than 1.4.............45

44. Thorax mostly yellow; acrostichals present.............A.rosaceus

- Thorax metallic green; acrostichals absent............A.fasciatus

45. Fascio-clypeal suture relatively shallow; first flagellomere

with anterior bulge dorsal..............................A.bonniae

- Fascio-clypeal suture relatively deep, pointed; first flagellomere

with anterior bulge ventral....................................46

46. Lack of setae on middle tibia in postero-ventral positon.........


- Middle tibia possesses a single postero-ventral seta.............


47. m-cu strongly sinuate..........................................48

- m-cu straight..................................................49

48. All femora black; middle basitarsomere with 6 or 7 short ventral

setae; hind tibia with 6 or 7 long dorsal setae..................


- Fore femora yellow in apical two thirds, with 1 or 2 fine black

ventral setae; fore tibia with 1 antero-dorsal and 2

postero-dorsal, middle tibia with 3 antero-dorsal, 3

postero-dorsal and 2 ventral, hind basitarsomere with 1 dorsal


49. Fore and middle tibiae black or brown............................

.................................A.auratus, A.pernigrus, A.munroi

- Fore and middle tibiae yellow or dirty-yellow..................50

50. Hind tibia mostly yellow.................A.flabellifer, A.parilis

- Hind tibia black-brown...........................................

.....................A.munroi, A.longifilus, A.parilis, A.miserus

Amblypsilopus medvedevi sp.n. (Fig. 10)

Holotype. Male. E. Dutch New Guinea: Jutefa Bay, Pim, sealevel -

100 ft, II.1936, L.E. Cheesman. B.M. 1936-271.

Description. Similar to A. rimbija and A. wongabelensis (see

Bickel, 1994) except as noted. Head. Palp and proboscis brownish.

Thorax. Three pairs of long acrostichals.

Legs. Coxae, femora to knees and distalmost tarsomeres brown;

trochanters, femora knees, tibiae and basal tarsomeres yellow. Fore

and middle coxae with pale anterior hairs; hind coxa with pale

anterior seta. Femora with some long pale basoventral setae. Fore

tibia with three long pale posterior setae in distal half decreasing

in size distally; fore basitarsomere with a few posterior hairs, and

with dense ventral white pile; fifth tarsomere of fore tarsus

flattened; middle trochanter with strong dorsal bristle; third and

fourth tarsomeres of hind tarsus flattened with ventral pad-like

surface, fifth tarsomere of the same tarsus very small and short.

Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from

first to fifth) - 2.6 : 4.1 : 4.4 : 2.4 : 0.9 : 0.6 : 0.4 : 0.4.

Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia (tarsus broken) - 2.3

: 5.0 : 5.3. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus

(segments from first to fifth) - 1.6 : 5.8 : 8.2 : 2.5 : 1.1 : 0.9 :

0.9 : 0.4.

Wing. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those

between R4+5 and M1 - 18 : 5. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part

of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA - 15 : 28 : 23.

Abdomen. Dark metallic green with copper reflection. Hypopygium

black, cercus brownish, with pale hairs. Epandrium with setosed

cuticular projection arising at base of hypandrium and extending

internally. Hypandrial hood slightly serrate. Epandrial lobe

prominent, with a long and a short bristles. Surstylus big, massive,

gently curved. Cercus distally slightly broadened, with outer row of

long simple setae and long thin distodorsal apophysis bearing simple


Female. Unknown.

Length: body 2.7 mm; wing-length 2.3 mm; wing-width 0.8 mm.

Distribution: Papua New Guinea.

Etymology. The species is named for Russian dipterologist Dr.

Gleb S. Medvedev.

Diagnosis. A. medvedevi is associated with species of rimbija

Group (Bickel, 1994) previously known from Australia, and can be

separated by means of the following key.

1. Cercus distally expanded with outer row of strong setae and

distodorsal apophysis, bearing long or blade-like setae, without

narrow ventral prominences......................................2

- Cercus narrow, with or without narrow ventral prominences, without

outer row of long setae.....................A.rimbija, A. wellsae

2. Cercus greatly broadened, with outer row of blade-like setae and

short obtuse distodorsal apophysis bearing blade-like setae......


- Cercus slightly broadened, with outer row of simple setae and

long thin distodorsal apophysis bearing simple setae.............

.....................................................A. medvedevi


I am sincerely grateful to Dr. Brian Pitkin and Dr. Laslo Papp for

their kindness in giving me the opportunity to study the collections

of the Natural History Museum (London) and the Hungarian Natural

History Museum (Budapest). Dr. Daniel Bickel generously provided his

valuable monograph.


Becker Th. 1923. Dipterologische Studien: Dolichopodidae. D.

Aethiopische Region. - Entomol. Mitteilungen, 12, 1: 1-50.

Bickel D.J. 1994. The Australian Sciapodinae (Diptera:

Dolichopodidae), with a review of the Oriental and Australasian

faunas, and a world conspectus of the subfamily. - Rec. Austral.

Mus., Suppl. 21: 1-394.

Curran C.H. 1924. The Dolichopodidae of South Africa. - Ann.

Transv. Mus., 10: 212-232.

Dyte C.E. & Smith K.G.V. 1980. Family Dolichopodidae. In R.W.

Crosskey (ed.). Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region.

Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), London, p. 443-463.

Irwin M.E. 1974. An account of southern African genus Sciopolina

with descriptions of new species (Diptera: Dolichopodidae:

Sciapodinae). - Ann. Natal Mus., 22, p. 221-264.

Lamb C.G. 1922. The Percy Sladen Trust expedition to the Indian

Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr.J.Stanley Gardiner, M.A.

Vol. 7. N VIII. Diptera: Asilidae, Scenopinidae, Dolichopodidae,

Pipunculidae, and Syrphidae. - Transactions of the Linnean Society of

London (2, Zoology), 18, p. 361 - 416.

Parent O. 1937. Dipteres Dolichopodides. Especes et Localites

nouvelles. - Bull. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Belg., 77, p. 125-148.

Vanschuytbroeck P. 1960. Mission zoologique de l'I.R.S.A.C. en

Afrique orientale. L. Diptera Dolichopodidae. - Ann. Mus. roy. Congo

belge, ser. in-8 (Zool.), 88, p. 318-321.

Remark under figures

Figs 1, 4-10. Hypopygium, left lateral view. Fig 2. Surstylus,

lateral view. Fig 3. Cercus, lateral view.

1, A. steelei sp.n.

2, 3, A. basilewskyi (Vanschuytbroeck)

4, A. nartshukae sp.n.

5, A. gorodkovi sp.n.

6, A. longifilus (Becker)

7, A. parilis (Parent)

8, A. auratus (Curran)

9, A. cilifrons (Parent)

10, A. medvedevi sp.n.

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