I.Ya. Grichanov
1. M1+2 and R4+5 veins strongly convergent, their tips separated by not more than 1/3 length of m-cu . 2
- M1+2 and R4+5 veins gently convergent or parallel, their tips separated by more than half length of m-cu . 4
2. Antennal scape and pedicel reddish yellow; hind margin of male wing rather strongly concave near apex, where there is an apical black spot . S. scholtzi
- Antennal scape and pedicel brown-black; male wing not noticeably concave on hind margin, without apical black spot . 3
3. Mid tibia with long basal and median anterodorsal bristles in addition to general covering of short setulae . S. pallipes (pallidus phenotype)
- Mid tibia with only basal long anterodorsal bristle in addition to general covering of short setulae . S. pallipes (pallipes phenotype)
4. Antennal scape and pedicel clear yellow; hind femur broadly black at apex; CuA1 2 times longer than m-cu . S. tener
- Antenna entirely black . 5
5. Male postpedicel 2.5 times as long as high; hypopygium black, yellow at apex;female stylus only slightly longer than postpedicel; mid tibia dorsally with only two bristles at base; hind femur broadly black at apex . S. bipartitus
- Male
3-3.5 times as long as high; hypopygium entirely pale;female
almost twice as long as postpedicel; mid tibia dorsally with four bristles,
two at base and two at middle; hind femur with only a dark dorsal streak
at apex
. S. leucurus