Last updated: 24 April 2001



Igor Grichanov, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, Shosse Podbelskogo 3, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia.

Abstract. A checklist of Swedish Dolichopodidae is presented including a total of 321 species, 12 of which are new Swedish records. Lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated for 10 species, and 11 new synonyms are proposed.


The Dolichopodidae fauna of the world is very large, with approximately 6500 described species and 200 genera. These mostly predatory flies are distributed throughout the world including the tropics and high-latitude islands and territories. In Sweden adults and larvae of almost all species of long-legged flies are predators inhabiting moist substrata. Small-sized species may be saprophages in the larval stage. Species of only one genus (Thrypticus) are known to be phytophages living inside stems of cereal grasses. Most of the numerous species of the cosmopolitan genus Medetera are associated with tree trunks, especially in boreal forests, where their larvae are predacious mainly on bark-beetles (Coleoptera).

Recently check lists of dolichopodid species have been compiled or revised for several European countries (e.g., Olejní?ek, 1997; Chandler, 1998; Bellstedt et al., 1999). The last Swedish check list of 265 species was published by Ringdahl (1928), who later added many new species to the Swedish fauna and compiled an unpublished list of species for the country in 1954 (Ringdahl’s manuscript deposited in Lund Zoological Museum). The systematics of the family has changed considerably since the works of Ringdahl, and several more species have been found in Sweden (Hedström, 1966a,b; Weslien, 1992; Andersson, 1999). Many species have been renamed or their names placed in synonymy.

Below is given a revised checklist of Swedish Dolichopodidae with new records based on the collections of the Lund Zoological Museum. So far about 320 species are known for Sweden. The expanded (but not complete) synonymy is given here because the majority of the old names have been used in the Swedish literature, and a number of synonyms have been used in the basic British, French, German and Russian manuals and keys to species of Dolichopodidae. Many old European names were proposed without giving a type locality for the species. It should be mentioned that the non-type collection of Zetterstedt still has not been fully revised. Several old species are known by females only and there are some doubtful records of Dolichopodidae from the country, which means that adjustments to the list should be anticipated; so there are species to be excluded from the Swedish fauna in future. At the same time a few species described from neighbouring Nordic countries may be found in Sweden as well. Species marked with an asterisk (*) in the list below are recorded for Sweden for the first time. The material of all newly recorded species is deposited in Lund Zoological Museum [MZLU] and will be published separately (see also web site of the Museum: http://darwin.biol.lu.se/systzool/zoomus/index.html). The following new synonymies are proposed in this paper:

Dolichopus micropygus Wahlberg, 1850
=Dolichopus brachyurus Zetterstedt, 1859, syn.n.
Dolichopus vitripennis Meigen, 1824
=Dolichopus brachycerus Zetterstedt, 1843, syn.n.
Medetera excellens Frey, 1909
=Medetera thunebergi Negrobov, 1967, syn.n.
Medetera jacula (Fallén, 1823)
=Medetera meridionalis Negrobov, 1967, syn.n.
Medetera muralis Meigen, 1824
=Medetera belgica Parent, 1936, syn.n.
=Medetera peloria Negrobov, 1967, syn.n.
=Medetera kowarzi Negrobov in Negrobov & Stackelberg, 1972, syn.n.
=Medetera miki Negrobov in Negrobov & Stackelberg, 1972, syn.n.
Medetera obscura (Zetterstedt, 1838)
=Medetera robusta Õunap, 1997 (nec Loew, 1857), syn.n.
Medetera petrophila Kowarz, 1877
=Medetera petrophiloides Parent, 1925, syn.n.
Medetera pinicola Kowarz, 1877
=Medetera piceae Õunap, 1997, syn.n.

Lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated here for Argyra subarctica Ringdahl, Dolichopus annulitarsis Ringdahl, D. brachycerus Zetterstedt, D. inconspicuus Zetterstedt, D. rothi Zetterstedt, Hydrophorus albosignatus Ringdahl, H. norvegicus Ringdahl, Medetera betulae Ringdahl, Porphyrops glacialis Ringdahl and Sciapus flavomaculatus Ringdahl. Subfamilies and genera within subfamilies are given in alphabetical order. Genera are not divided here into subgenera, although the author of this paper considers many of them as monophyletic taxa of intrageneric rank. In some disputable cases, the author follows usually (but not always) Chandler (1998) or Meuffels (1999). The present list differs from the British list in transferring Chrysotimus and Xanthochlorus to the Medeterinae because they appear closely related to some recently described tropical medeterine genera. Bibliography includes mainly works published after the Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera (Negrobov, 1991). Any correction and supplement to this list will be welcomed.

 ACHALCINAE Grootaert & Meuffels, 1997

Achalcus Loew, 1857
cinereus (Haliday, 1851) [Rhaphium]
=pygmaeus (Zetterstedt, 1855) [Rhaphium]
flavicollis (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=pallidus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Rhaphium]
melanotrichis Mik, 1878

DIAPHORINAE Schiner, 1864

Argyra Macquart, 1834
argentina (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=geniculata (Schummel, 1837) [Porphyrops]
argyria (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=argentata Macquart, 1834
=argentella (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
=divergens Parent, 1926
auricollis (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=pellucens var. ? (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
diaphana (Fabricius, 1775) [Musca]
=ludea (Harris, 1776) [Musca]
=pellucens (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=versicolor (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=hirtipes (Curtis, 1835) [Porphyrops]
elongata (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
ilonae Gosseries, 1989
=confínis (Zetterstedt, 1849) [Dolichopus] (nec Walker, 1849)
leucocephala (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=pellucens (Zetterstedt, 1838) [Dolichopus] (nec Fallén, 1823)
=diaphana (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops] (nec Fabricius, 1775, nec Fabricius, 1805, nec Fallén, 1823)
=fulviventris Macquart, 1827 [Medeterus]
=fulgens (Haliday, 1832) [Porphyrops]
loewi Kowarz, 1879
magnicornis (Zetterstedt, 1838) [Dolichopus]
=aristata Gerstäcker, 1864
setimana Loew, 1859
spoliata Kowarz, 1879
subarctica Ringdahl, 1920(1)
vestita (Wiedemann, 1817) [Dolichopus]

Chrysotus Meigen, 1824
*blepharosceles Kowarz, 1874
cilipes Meigen, 1824
=subfemoratus Frey, 1939
=callidus Parent, 1944
cupreus Macquart, 1827
=atripes von Roser, 1840
femoratus Zetterstedt, 1843
=licenti Parent, 1944
gramineus (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=laesus (Fallén, 1823, p.p.) [Dolichopus]
=minimus (Meigen, 1830) [Diaphorus]
=nigripes Walker, 1849 (nec Fabricius, 1794; nec Meigen, 1824)
=facialis Gerstäcker, 1864
=microcerus Kowarz, 1874
=varians Kowarz, 1874
=angulicornis Kowarz, 1874
=andorrensis Parent, 1938
=arvernicus Vaillant & Brunhes, 1980
laesus (Wiedemann, 1817) [Dolichopus]
=amplicornis Zetterstedt, 1849
=enderleini Parent, 1938
melampodius Loew, 1857
neglectus (Wiedemann, 1871) [Dolichopus]
=viridulus (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=copiosus Meigen, 1824
=femoralis Meigen, 1824
=taeniomerus Meigen, 1830
=lundbladi Frey, 1939
obscuripes Zetterstedt, 1838
=amplicornis Kowarz, 1874, nec Zetterstedt, 1849
=kowarzi Lundbeck, 1912
*palustris Verrall, 1876
pulchellus Kowarz, 1874
ringdahli Parent, 1929
=ringdahli Ringdahl, 1928 [nomen nudum]
*suavis Loew, 1857

*Cryptophleps Lichtwardt, 1898
*kerteszi Lichtwardt, 1898

Diaphorus Meigen, 1824
hoffmannseggi Meigen, 1830
=tripilus Loew, 1857
nigricans Meigen, 1824
=obscurellus Zetterstedt, 1838
=obscuripes Zetterstedt, 1843 [Chrysotus] (nec Zetterstedt, 1838)
=sokolovi Stackelberg, 1928
oculatus (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=flavocinctus Meigen, 1824
=tuberculatus (Meigen, 1824) [Dolichopus]
=bimaculatus Macquart, 1827
=hoffmannseggi Macquart, 1834 [Diaphora] (nec Meigen, 1830)

Melanostolus Kowarz, 1884
melancholicus (Loew, 1869) [Diaphorus]
=dorsalis (Verrall, 1876) [Diaphorus]

DOLICHOPODINAE Latreille, 1809

Dolichopus Latreille, 1796

acuticornis Wiedemann, 1817
=ruralis Meigen, 1824
aemulus Loew, 1859(2)
agilis Meigen, 1824
albifrons Loew, 1859
=latilimbatus Wahlberg, 1850 (nec Macquart, 1827)
annulipes Zetterstedt, 1838
=stenhammari Zetterstedt, 1843
annulitarsis Ringdahl, 1920(3)
apicalis Zetterstedt, 1849
arbustorum Stannius, 1831
=pallidicoxa von Roser, 1840
argyrotarsis Wahlberg, 1850
armillatus Wahlberg, 1850
=stenhammari (var. b) Zetterstedt, 1843
atripes Meigen, 1824
atritibialis Zetterstedt, 1859
austriacus Parent, 1927
bonsdorffi Frey, 1915
brevipennis Meigen, 1824
=plumitarsis, var. ?, Fallén, 1823
caligatus Wahlberg, 1850
=flavipes Parent, 1938 (nec Stannius, 1831)
calinotus Loew, 1871
campestris Meigen, 1824
cilifemoratus Macquart, 1827
=macquarti Parent, 1926 (nec Staeger, 1842)
=pseudocilifemoratus Stackelberg, 1933
cinctipes Wahlberg, 1850
claviger Stannius, 1831
clavipes Haliday, 1832
=trochanteratus Zetterstedt, 1843
=fuscipes Haliday, 1832
=vitripennis Staeger, 1842 (nec Meigen, 1824)
consimilis Wahlberg, 1850
costalis Frey, 1915
cruralis Wahlberg, 1850
=lapponicus Becker, 1917
diadema Haliday, 1832
discifer Stannius, 1831
=patellatus Meigen, 1824 (nec Fallén, 1823)
=confusus Zetterstedt, 1838 nec 1843
=nigricornis Becker, 1917 et auctt. (nec Meigen, 1824)
discimanus Wahlberg, 1851
=discifer (var. b) Zetterstedt, 1849 (nec Stannius, 1831)
=mucronatus Becker, 1917
exiguus Zetterstedt, 1843(4)
festivus Haliday, 1832
=cilifemoratus Stannius, 1831 (nec Macquart, 1827)
=macquarti Staeger, 1842
fraterculus Zetterstedt, 1843
fulgidus Fallén, 1823(5)
grandicornis Wahlberg, 1850
griseipennis Stannius, 1831
=nitidus Macquart, 1827 (nec Fallén, 1823)
=subrutilus Zetterstedt, 1859
hilaris Loew, 1862
inconspicuus Zetterstedt, 1843(6)
lancearius Hedström, 1966
latilimbatus Macquart, 1827
=vulgaris Stannius, 1831
latipennis Fallén, 1823
lepidus Staeger, 1842
=tibialis Zetterstedt, 1838
=dissimilipes Zetterstedt, 1843
=geniculatus Zetterstedt, 1843 (nec Stannius, 1831)
=picipes Haliday, 1851 (nec Meigen, 1824)
linearis Meigen, 1824
=agilis Zetterstedt, nec Meigen, 1824
=plebeius Meigen, 1824
=parvulus Zetterstedt, 1843
lineatocornis Zetterstedt, 1843(7)
=fallaciosus Gerstacker, 1864
litorellus Zetterstedt, 1852
longicornis Stannius, 1831
=acuticornis Fallén, 1823 [p.p.] [et alii auctores nec Wiedemann, 1817]
longitarsis Stannius, 1831
=equestris Haliday, 1832
=cinctus Staeger, 1842
=staegeri Zetterstedt, 1843
maculicornis Verrall, 1875
=consobrinus Zetterstedt, 1859 (nec Haliday, 1851)
maculipennis Zetterstedt, 1843
mannerheimi Zetterstedt, 1838
mediicornis Verrall, 1875
meigeni Loew, 1857
melanopus Meigen, 1824
micropygus Wahlberg, 1850(2)
=brachyurus Zetterstedt, 1859(8), syn.nov.
migrans Zetterstedt, 1843
=confusus Zetterstedt, 1843 nec 1838
=patellatus Stannius, 1831 (nec Fallén, 1823, nec Meigen, 1824)
modestus Wahlberg, 1850
nigripes Fallén, 1823
=melanopus Stannius, 1831 (nec Meigen, 1824)
=falleni Loew, 1857
nitidus Fallén, 1823
=ornatus Meigen, 1824
=jucundus Haliday, 1833
=azureus Macquart, 1834
=coeruleicollis Meigen, 1838
notatus Staeger, 1842
=notabilis Zetterstedt, 1843
=puncticornis Zetterstedt, 1843
nubilus Meigen, 1824
=pallipes Macquart, 1827
=actaeus Haliday, 1832
=inquinatus Haliday, 1832
parvicaudatus Zetterstedt, 1843(2,7)
pectinitarsis Stenhammar, 1851(2,9)
pennatus Meigen, 1824
=popularis Fallén, 1823 (nec Wiedemann, 1817)
=signatus Staeger, 1842 (nec Meigen, 1824)
picipes Meigen, 1824
=cyaneus Meigen, 1824
=fastuosus Haliday, 1832
planitarsis Fallén, 1823
plumipes (Scopoli, 1763) [Musca]
=pennitarsis Fallén, 1823
=planitarsis Meigen, 1824 (nec Fallén, 1823)
plumitarsis Fallén, 1823
popularis Wiedemann, 1817
propinquus Zetterstedt, 1852
=affinis Wahlberg, 1850 (nec Walker, 1849)
pseudomigrans Ringdahl, 1928
=migrans Becker, 1917 (nec Zetterstedt, 1843)
punctum Meigen, 1824
=lepidus Zetterstedt, 1843 nec Staeger, 1842
remipes Wahlberg, 1839
rupestris Haliday, 1833
=festinans Zetterstedt, 1838
=fuscimanus Zetterstedt, 1843
ruthei Loew, 1847
sabinus Haliday, 1838
=pictus Staeger, 1842
signatus Meigen, 1824
=argentifer Loew, 1859
signifer Haliday, 1832
=pictipennis Wahlberg, 1850
=punctum Haliday, 1851 (nec Meigen, 1824)
simplex Meigen, 1824
=thalassinus Haliday, 1832
=vicinus Macquart, 1834
spretus Loew, 1871
*subpennatus d'Assis Fonseca, 1976
tanythrix Loew, 1869
trivialis Haliday, 1832
=intermedius Staeger, 1842
=camptopus Parent, 1913
=cilifemoratus Parent, 1926 (nec Macquart, 1827; nec Stannius, 1831; nec Staeger, 1842)
ungulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) [Musca]
=aeneus (de Geer, 1776) [Nemotelus, as "Nemotele"]
=bifurcatus Macquart, 1827
=subungulatus Stackelberg, 1933
urbanus Meigen, 1824
virgultorum Haliday, 1851
=arbustorum Zetterstedt, 1843 (nec Stannius, 1831)
vitripennis Meigen, 1824
=tibiellus Zetterstedt, 1843
=brachycerus Zetterstedt, 1843(10), syn.nov.
=braueri Nowicki, 1867
wahlbergi Zetterstedt, 1843
zetterstedti Stenhammar, 1852

Hercostomus Loew, 1857
aerosus (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=rhaphioides (Zetterstedt, 1838) [Chrysotus]
=dahlbomi (Zetterstedt, 1843) [as variation of Dolichopus aerosus Fallén, 1823]
angustifrons (Staeger, 1842) [Dolichopus]
*argentifrons Oldenberg, 1916
assimilis (Staeger, 1842) [Dolichopus]
*blankaartensis Pollet, 1991 [1990]
brevicornis (Staeger, 1842) [Dolichopus
=obscuripennis (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
celer (Meigen, 1824) [Dolichopus
=sarus (Haliday, 1832) [Dolichopus]
chalybeus (Wiedemann, 1817) [Dolichopus]
=cinereomaculatus (von Roser, 1840) [Dolichopus]
chetifer (Walker, 1849) [Porphyrops]
=alutifer (Haliday, 1851) [Dolichopus]
=cretifer (Walker, 1856) [Porphyrops]
chrysozygos (Wiedemann, 1817) [Dolichopus]
cupreus (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=albifrons (Zetterstedt, 1859) [Dolichopus]
fulvicaudis (Haliday, 1851) [Sybistroma]
germanus (Wiedemann, 1817) [Dolichopus]
=chaerophylli (Meigen, 1824) [Dolichopus]
gracilis (Stannius, 1831) [Dolichopus
=bicolor Schiner & alii auctt. (nec Macquart, 1827)
=bohemani Wahlberg, 1851 [Dolichopus]
infuscatus (Stannius,1831) [Dolichopus]
metallicus (Stannius, 1831) [Dolichopus]
nanus (Macquart, 1827) [Dolichopus]
=minimus (Zetterstedt, 1849) [Dolichopus]
=angustus (Loew, 1857) [Gymnopternus]
nigrilamellatus (Macquart, 1827) [Dolichopus]
=nigrimaculatus (Curtis, 1829) [Dolichopus]
=atrovirens (Loew, 1859) [Gymnopternus]
nigripennis (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
nigriplantis (Stannius, 1831) [Dolichopus]
=subsimplicipes Verrall, 1912
rothi (Zetterstedt, 1859) [Dolichopus](11)
=praeceps Loew, 1869
nobilitatus (Linnaeus, 1767) [Musca]
=joco (Harris, 1776) [Musca]
ruficauda (Zetterstedt, 1859) [Dolichopus](12)
sahlbergi (Zetterstedt, 1838) [Dolichopus]

Ortochile Latreille, 1809
nigrocoerulea Latreille, 1809
=nigrocoerulescens Staeger, 1842 [Orthochile]
=coerulea Zetterstedt, 1843 [Orthochile]
=walkeri Rondani, 1859 [Orthochile]

Sybistroma Meigen, 1824
crinipes Staeger, 1842
=pectinifera (Zeller,1842) [Dolichopus]
=crinicauda (Zetterstedt, 1849) [Dolichopus]
discipes (Germar, 1817) [Dolichopus]
=patellata (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=ventralis (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=patellipes (Meigen, 1824) [Sybistroma]
obscurella (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=xanthogastra (Meigen, 1824) [Dolichopus]
=appendiculata (Macquart, 1827) [Medeterus]

Tachytrechus Haliday, 1851
ammobates (Haliday, 1851) [Dolichopus]
=plumipes (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus] (nec Scopoli, 1763)
consobrinus Haliday, 1851 [Dolichopus]
insignis (Stannius, 1831) [Ammobates]
notatus (Stannius, 1831) [Ammobates]
=litoreus (Haliday, 1833) [Dolichopus]
=beckeri (Müller, 1923) [Hercostomus] (nec Lichtwardt, 1917)
ocior Loew, 1869
ripicola Loew, 1857


Hydrophorus Fallén, 1823
albiceps Frey, 1915
=binotatus British authors (nec Fallén, 1823, nec Zetterstedt, 1849)
=confusus Frey, 1915
albosignatus Ringdahl, 1919(13)
alpinus Wahlberg, 1844
altivagus Aldrich, 1911
=wahlgreni Frey, 1915
=callosoma Frey, 1915
balticus (Meigen, 1824) [Medeterus]
=chloropus (von Roser, 1840) [Medeterus]
bipunctatus (Lehmann, 1822) [Dolichopus]
=binotatus Fallén, 1823
borealis Loew, 1857
=bipunctatus Zetterstedt, 1838 (nec Lehmann, 1822)
=binotatus Zetterstedt, 1849
brunnicosus Loew, 1857
callostomus Loew, 1857
freyi Storå, 1954
=impunctatus Frey, 1915
geminus Frey, 1915
litoreus Fallén, 1823
=aquaticus (Meigen, 1824) [Medeterus]
=conspersus (Haliday, 1832) [Medeterus]
=chloropus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Medeterus] (nec von Roser, 1840)
nebulosus Fallén, 1823
=conspersus (Haliday, 1832) [Medeterus]
norvegicus Ringdahl, 1928(14)
oceanus (Macquart, 1838) [Medeterus]
=bisetus Loew, 1857
=inaequalipes Haliday, 1851 (nec Macquart, 1834)
pectinatus Gerstäcker, 1864
=forcipatus Frey, 1915
pilipes Frey, 1915
praecox (Lehmann, 1822) [Dolichopus]
=inaequalipes (Macquart, 1834) [Medeterus]
=schoenherri (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Hydrochus]
=cinereus (Perris, 1847) [Aphrozeta] (nec Fabricius, 1805)
=vagus (Hutton, 1901) [Liancalus]
=breviventris Becker, 1902
=monodi Couturier, 1985
rogenhoferi Mik, 1874
rufibarbis Gerstäcker, 1864
=micans Frey, 1915
signifer Coquillett, 1899
=magnicornis Frey, 1915
=kolaensis Frey, 1915
viridis (Meigen, 1824) [Medeterus]
=semiglaucus (Perris, 1850) [Aphrozeta]
=praecox Schiner, 1862 (nec Lehmann, 1822)
=paulosetosus Becker, 1907
=beckeri Oldenberg, 1920

Liancalus Loew, 1857
virens (Scopoli, 1763) [Musca]
=regius (Fabricius, 1805) [Dolichopus]

Peodes Loew, 1857
forcipatus Loew, 1857

Scellus Loew, 1857
dolichocerus Gerstäcker, 1864
notatus (Fabricius, 1781) [Musca]
=armiger (Fallén, 1823) [Hydrophorus]
spinimanus (Zetterstedt, 1843.) [Hydrophorus]
=notatus (Zetterstedt, 1838, p.p.) [Hydrophorus] (nec Fabricius, 1781)

Thinophilus Wahlberg, 1844
flavipalpis (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Rhaphium]
ruficornis (Haliday, 1838) [Medeterus]
=maculicornis (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Rhaphium]
versutus Haliday, 1851
=maculipennis (Strobl, 1899) [Pseudacropsilus]


Chrysotimus Loew, 1857
flaviventris (von Roser, 1850) [Chrysotus]
=concinnus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Chrysotus]
molliculus (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=laetus (Meigen, 1824) [Chrysotus]

Medetera Fischer von Waldheim, 1819
abstrusa Thuneberg, 1955
=apicalis Collin, 1941 (nec Zetterstedt, 1843)
acanthura Negrobov & Thuneberg, 1970
adjaniae Gosseries, 1989(15)
=breviseta Parent, 1927 (nec Thomson, 1869)
=pinicola Nuorteva, 1956 (nec Kowarz, 1877)
ambigua (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Hydrophorus]
annulitarsa von Roser, 1840
=aenea von Roser, 1840
=dichaeta Kowarz, 1877
apicalis (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Hydrophorus]
=aurivittata Wheeler, 1899
=caerulescens Malloch, 1919
=frontalis Van Duzee, 1919
=distincta Van Duzee, 1919
=bicolor Van Duzee, 1923 (nec Meigen, 1838)
=parva Van Duzee, 1923
=ciliata Van Duzee, 1928
=venata Curran, 1928
=simplicipes Curran, 1928
=orbiculata Van Duzee, 1932
=albiciliata Van Duzee, 1933
=arctica Van Duzee, 1933
betulae Ringdahl, 1949(16)
borealis Thuneberg, 1955
cuspidata Collin, 1941
diadema (Linnaeus, 1767) [Musca]
=rostrata (Fabricius, 1775) [Musca]
=carnivora Fischer von Waldheim, 1819
=aeneivittata (Macquart, 1827) [Hydrophorus]
=princeps Wheeler, 1899
=ehrenbergi Becker, 1923
dichrocera Kowarz, 1877
excellens Frey, 1909
=thunebergi Negrobov, 1967, syn.nov.(17)
fasciata Frey, 1915
glauca Loew, 1869
impigra Collin, 1941
infumata Loew, 1857
=muralis (Zetterstedt,1843) [Hydrophorus] (nec Meigen, 1824)
jacula (Fallén, 1823) [Hydrophorus]
=nigricans Meigen, 1824
=truncorum (Zetterstedt, 1838) [Hydrophorus] (nec Meigen, 1824)
=meridionalis Negrobov, 1967, syn.nov.(18)
melancholica Lundbeck, 1912
micacea Loew, 1857
=jacula (Fallén, 1823, p.p.) [Hydrophorus]
=apicalis var.b (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Hydrophorus]
=acuta Negrobov, 1966
muralis Meigen, 1824
=jacula (Fallén, 1823, p.p.) [Hydrophorus]
=melanopleura Loew, 1857
=tertia Becker, 1917
=belgica Parent, 1936, syn.nov.(19)
=peloria Negrobov, 1967, syn.nov.(19)
=kowarzi Negrobov, 1972, syn.nov.(19)
=miki Negrobov, 1972, syn.nov.(19)
nitida (Macquart, 1834) [Hydrophorus]
=ambigua Perris, 1870 (nec Zetterstedt, 1843)
=stackelbergi Parent, 1927
obscura (Zetterstedt, 1838) [Hydrophorus]
=robusta Loew, 1857
=robusta Õunap, 1997 (nec Loew, 1857), syn.nov.(20)
pallipes (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Hydrophorus]
=jacula var. b (Zetterstedt, 1838) [Hydrophorus]
=muralis Loew, 1857 (nec Meigen, 1824, nec Zetterstedt,1843)
=dendrophila Bezzi,1903
parenti Stackelberg, 1925
=collini Thuneberg, 1955
petrophila Kowarz, 1877
=petrophiloides Parent, 1925, syn.nov.(21)
pinicola Kowarz, 1877
=nuortevai Thuneberg, 1955
=piceae Õunap, 1997, syn.nov.(22)
plumbella Meigen, 1824
=jacula (Fallén, 1823, p.p.) [Hydrophorus]
=minuta von Roser, 1840 [Medeterus] (nec Fabricius, 1805)
=minuta (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Hydrophorus] (nec Fabricius, 1805)
=minutula Negrobov, 1991 (nomen nudum)
pseudoapicalis Thuneberg, 1955
*senicula Kowarz, 1877
setiventris Thuneberg, 1955
=fasciata Zinovjev, 1957 (nec Frey, 1915, nec Thuneberg, 1955)
signaticornis Loew, 1857
=subglauca Becker, 1917
=viridifacies Van Duzee, 1923
=trisetosa Van Duzee, 1925
=vanduzeei Curran, 1928
striata Parent, 1927
=fasciata Thuneberg, 1955 (nec Frey, 1915)
tenuicauda Loew, 1857
tristis (Zetterstedt, 1838) [Hydrophorus]
truncorum Meigen, 1824
=tenuicauda Negrobov, 1972 (nec Loew, 1857)
vagans Becker, 1917
=fennica Thuneberg, 1955
veles Loew, 1861
=appendiculata Wheeler, 1899 (nec Macquart, 1827)
=bilineata Frey, 1915 [as variation of M. infumata Loew, 1857]
=intermedia Van Duzee, 1928
=albosetosa Van Duzee, 1928
=wheeleri Foote, Coulson & Robinson, 1965
=sphaeropyga Negrobov, 1972

Systenus Loew, 1857
bipartitus (Loew, 1850) [Rhaphium]
leucurus Loew, 1859
pallipes (von Roser, 1840) [Rhaphium](23)
=adpropinquans (Loew, 1857) [Rhaphium]
=pallidus Vaillant, 1978
scholtzi (Loew, 1850) [Rhaphium]
=alpinus Vaillant, 1978
tener Loew, 1859(24)

Thrypticus Gerstaecker, 1864
atomus Frey, 1915
=taeniomerus (var. b) Zetterstedt, 1843 (nec Meigen, 1830)
bellus Loew, 1869
=divisus auctt. (nec Strobl, 1880) [Bezzi, 1903]
=pruinosus Frey, 1957 (nec Parent, 1932)
cuneatus (Becker, 1917) [Submedeterus]
divisus Strobl, 1880
=crassiseta Oldenberg, 1916
*intercedens Negrobov, 1967(25)
=paludicola Negrobov, 1971
laetus Verrall, 1912
nigricauda Wood, 1913
pollinosus Verrall, 1912
pruinosus Parent, 1932
smaragdinus Gerstäcker, 1864
*tarsalis Parent, 1932

Xanthochlorus Loew, 1857
ornatus (Haliday, 1832) [Porphyrops]
=tenellus (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus] (nec Wiedemann, 1817)
=ultramontanus Becker, 1918
tenellus (Wiedemann, 1817) [Dolichopus]
=flavellus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]

NEURIGONINAE Aldrich, 1905

Neurigona Rondani, 1856
abdominalis (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
erichsoni (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
pallida (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=ochracea (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
quadrifasciata (Fabricius, 1781) [Musca]
=quadrivittata (Macquart, 1827) [Porphyrops]
suturalis (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]

RHAPHIINAE Bigot, 1852

Rhaphium Meigen, 1803
albifrons Zetterstedt, 1843
=sagax (Gerstäcker, 1864) [Xiphandrium]
=breviseta (Becker, 1891) [Xiphandrium]
appendiculatum Zetterstedt, 1849
=anale (Becker, 1918) [Xiphandrium]
=macrocerum (Parent, 1925) [Xiphandrium] (nec Meigen, 1824, nec Zetterstedt, 1843)
auctum Loew, 1857
=spinicoxa (Becker, 1910) [Xiphandrium] (nec Loew, 1850, nec Zetterstedt, 1859)
basale Loew, 1850
caliginosum Meigen, 1824
=zetterstedti (Parent, 1925) [Xiphandrium]
commune (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=bivittatum (von Roser, 1840) [Porphyrops]
=spinicoxa Loew, 1850
confine Zetterstedt, 1843
=rufipes Zetterstedt, 1838 (nec Meigen, 1824)
consobrinum Zetterstedt, 1843
=discolor Zetterstedt, 1838
=riparium (Parent, 1925) [Porphyrops] (nec Meigen, 1824)
crassipes (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=rufipes (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
discigerum Stenhammar, 1851
elegantulum (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=wilsoni (Curtis, 1835) [Porphyrops]
fasciatum Meigen, 1824
fascipes (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=insulsum (Haliday, 1832) [Perithinus]
=latipes (Macquart, 1827) [Porphyrops]
fissum Loew, 1850
=bilamellatum (Becker, 1918) [Xiphandrium]
=trifidum (Becker, 1918) [Xiphandrium]
glaciale (Ringdahl, 1920) [Porphyrops](26)
*gravipes Haliday, 1851
holmgreni (Mik, 1878) [Porphyrops]
=spinicoxa Zetterstedt, 1859 (nec Loew, 1850)
=luteipenne (Frey, 1915) [Porphyrops]
lanceolatum Loew, 1850
=caliginosum Parent, 1925 (nec Meigen, 1824)
laticorne (Fallén, 1823) [Hydrochus]
=nemorum Meigen, 1830
=nigripes Macquart, 1834
=subnudipes Zetterstedt, 1859
longicorne (Fallén, 1823) [Hydrochus]
=vitripenne Meigen, 1824
=scutellatum (Meigen, 1830) [Porphyrops]
=tibiale Perris, 1852 (nec von Roser, 1840)
micans (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=simplex (Verrall, 1876) [Porphyrops]
monotrichum Loew, 1850
=laticorne var. b (Fallén, 1823) [Hydrochus]
=macrocerum Zetterstedt, 1843 (nec Meigen, 1824)
nasutum (Fallén, 1823) [Hydrochus]
=commune Zetterstedt, 1838 (nec Meigen, 1824)
=cylindricum Zetterstedt, 1838
=bilineatum Zetterstedt, 1843 [Medeterus] (nomen nudum)
nigribarbatum (Becker, 1900) [Porphyrops]
patulum (Raddatz, 1873) [Porphyrops]
pectinatum (Loew, 1859) [Porphyrops]
penicillatum Loew, 1850
riparium (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=praerosum Loew, 1850
=tenuis (Verrall, 1876) [Porphyrops]
rivale (Loew, 1869) [Porphyrops]
=hartmannifallax (Loew,1869) [Porphyrops]
=fasciculatum (Strobl, 1898) [Porphyrops]
tridactylum (Frey, 1915) [Porphyrops]
umbripenne (Frey, 1915) [Xiphandrium]

SCIAPODINAE Becker, 1917

Sciapus Zeller, 1842
=Leptopus Fallen, 1823:23, preoccupied by Latreille, 1809. Type species Leptopus tipularius Fallen, 1823:23 [(=Sciapus platypterus (Fabricius, 1805)], here designated.
basilicus Meuffels & Grootaert, 1990
longulus (Fallén, 1823) [Leptopus]
=lugens (Meigen, 1824) [Psilopus]
=obscurus (Meigen, 1824) [Psilopus]
maritimus Becker, 1918
=contristans (Zetterstedt, 1855) [Psilopus] (nec Wiedemann, 1817)
=flavomaculatus Ringdahl, 1949(27)
platypterus (Fabricius, 1805) [Dolichopus]
=tipularius (Fallén, 1823) [Leptopus]
=crinipes (Meigen, 1830) [Psilopus]
spiniger (Zetterstedt, 1859) [Psilopus]
wiedemanni (Fallén, 1823) [Leptopus]
=contristans (Meigen, 1824) [Psilopus] (nec Wiedemann, 1817)
zonatulus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Psilopus]
=contristans (Fallén, 1823) [Leptopus] (nec Wiedemann, 1817)

SYMPYCNINAE Aldrich, 1905

Campsicnemus Haliday, 1851
alpinus (Haliday, 1833) [Medeterus (Camptosceles)]
=punctipennis (Zetterstedt, 1849) [Dolichopus]
=pictipennis (Boheman, 1853) [Medeterus]
=guttipennis (Zetterstedt, 1855) [Dolichopus]
armatus (Zetterstedt, 1849) [Dolichopus]
=prodromus (Haliday, 1832) [Camptosceles] (nec Meigen, 1824)
=pectinifer De Meijere, 1907
articulatellus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
=pilosellus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
=atomus (Zetterstedt, 1849) [Dolichopus]
=dasycnemus Loew, 1857
=perforatus Raddatz, 1873
compeditus Loew, 1857
curvipes (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=fuscipennis (Macquart, 1839) [Medeterus]
=cilitibius (von Roser, 1840) [Dolichopus]
femoratus Ringdahl, 1949
loripes (Haliday, 1832) [Medeterus (Camptosceles)]
=femoralis (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
=armipes (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Medeterus]
lumbatus Loew, 1857
marginatus Loew, 1857
paradoxus (Wahlberg, 1844) [Dolichopus]
picticornis (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
=varicornis Loew, 1864
=canzonerii Rampini, 1975
pumilio (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
pusillus (Meigen, 1824) [Medeterus]
=platypus Loew,1857
scambus (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus]
=prodromus (Meigen, 1824) [Medeterus]
=clavitibius (von Roser, 1840) [Dolichopus]

Lamprochromus Mik, 1878
bifasciatus (Macquart, 1827) [Medeterus]
=elegans (Meigen, 1830) [Chrysotus]
=bifasciellus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
=semiflavus (Strobl, 1880) [Diaphorus]

Micromorphus Mik, 1878
albipes (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Hydrophorus]
=bellus Strobl, 1880 (Thrypticus) (nec Loew, 1869)

Sympycnus Loew, 1857
aeneicoxa (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=brevicornis (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
=nigritibialis (Zetterstedt, 1855) [Dolichopus]
brevimanus Loew, 1857
=plantaris Gerstäcker, 1864
pulicarius (Fallén, 1823) [Dolichopus](28)
=annulipes (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=pygmaeus (Macquart, 1827) [Medeterus]
=cinerellus (Zetterstedt, 1838) [Chrysotus]
=desoutteri Parent, 1925
spiculatus Gerstäcker, 1864

Syntormon Loew, 1857
aulicus (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=calcaratus (Becker, 1907) [Drymonoeca]
bicolorellus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]
=luteicornis Blackith et al., 1990 (nec Parent, 1927)
denticulatus, (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Rhaphium]
=aculeatus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Rhaphium]
=biseriatus (Loew, 1850) [Rhaphium]
=pumilus Parent, 1925 (nec Meigen, 1824)
filiger Verrall, 1912
=rufipes (Zetterstedt, 1849) [Rhaphium] (nec Meigen, 1824; nec Zetterstedt, 1838)
=obscurifrons Parent, 1932
fuscipes (von Roser, 1840) [Porphyrops]
=spicatus (Loew, 1857) [Rhaphium]
metathesis (Loew, 1850) [Rhaphium]
=simplícipes Frey, 1915
miki Strobl, 1899
*monilis (Haliday, 1851) [Rhaphium]
pallipes (Fabricius, 1794) [Musca](29)
=hamatus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Rhaphium]
=pseudospicatus Strobl, 1899
=immaculatus Santos Abreu, 1929
pumilus (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=rufipes (Meigen, 1824) [Rhaphium]
=longiseta (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Rhaphium]
=pumilio (Zetterstedt, 1859) [Rhaphium]
=pusillus (Zetterstedt, 1859) [Rhaphium]
=tridens (Becker, 1918) [Xiphandrium]
punctatus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Rhaphium]
=bisetosus Becker, 1918
subinermis (Loew, 1869) [Synarthrus]
tarsatus (Fallén, 1823) [Hydrochus]
=gratiosus (Meigen, 1824) [Dolichopus]
=palmipes (Meigen, 1824) [Porphyrops]
=vittatus (Macquart, 1834) [Porphyrops]
=obscurellus (Zetterstedt, 1838) [Dolichopus]

Telmaturgus Mik, 1874
tumidulus (Raddatz, 1873) [Sympycnus]

Teuchophorus Loew, 1857
monacanthus Loew, 1859
nigricosta (von Roser, 1840) [Chrysotus]
=signatus (Zetterstedt, 1849) [Chrysotus]
=pectinifer Kowarz, 1868:218,
spinigerellus (Zetterstedt, 1843) [Dolichopus]

Doubtful and incorrect records

Sciapus contristans (Wiedemann, 1870) [Dolichopus](30)
Sympycnus luteicornis Negrobov, 1991 [nomen nudum]
Thinophilus neptunus Frey, 1915
Dolichopus flavipes Stannius, 1831

Doubtful species

Chrysotus magnicornis Zetterstedt, 1843 [possible synonym of Rhaphium pectinatum (Loew, 1859)](7)
Dolichopus bicingulatus Zetterstedt, 1859 [possible synonym of Hercostomus rothi Zetterstedt, 1859](31)
Dolichopus diaphanus (Fallén, 1823) (nec Fabricius, 1775, nec Fabricius, 1805) [synonym of Argyra argentina (Meigen, 1824) or Argyra argyria (Meigen, 1824)
Dolichopus misellus Boheman, 1853 [Types lost]
(1) Lectotype and paralectotype are here designated in order to promote stability of nomenclature. Type material corresponds to original description of A. subarctica by Ringdahl (1920) and to characters of the species in a key given by Negrobov (1973). A male collected from Narvik and mentioned by Ringdahl (1920) under original description has not been traced in MZLU.
Lectotype: ?, Abisko, 29.7-18 / 1983-454 / To., leg. O. Ringdahl. Paralectotype: 1?, Abisko, 29.7-18 / 1983-453 / To., leg. O. Ringdahl / Argyra subarctica Ring. Negrobov det. [MZLU]. Paralectotype has some podomeres broken; it has a slide preparation of genitalia on the same pin.
(2) Dolichopus aemulus is very close to D. popularis, and Ringdahl (1949) considered the first species as gynandromorph variety of the second one. Similarly, in the same work he discussed D. pectinitarsis and D. parvicaudatus as gynandromorph varieties of D. plumipes, and D. micropygus as gynandromorph variety of D. fraterculus. I prefer to keep all those species separately until a revision of Palearctic Dolichopus species will be done.
(3) Lectotype and paralectotypes are here designated in order to promote stability of nomenclature. Type material corresponds to original description of D. annulitarsis by Ringdahl (1920) and redescription of the species given by Stackelberg (1930).
Lectotype: ?, Nuolja, 9.7-18 /To., leg. O. Ringdahl. Paralectotypes: 12?? and 6??, same labels with collection dates, 9.7-18 and 21.7-18 [MZLU].
(4) Female holotype of D. exiguus is very close to D. arbustorum, but differs in smaller size, 3.1 mm. The species can not be associated with D. trivialis and D. festivus, differing from the first in postpedicel being yellow ventrally, from the second in having hind tibia entirely yellow.
(5) A male labelled as Dolichopus fulgidus and found in the old collection of Lund Museum keys out to D. campestris, but differs in absence of long posteroventral cilia on hind tibia; face whitish, face in middle 1.5-2 times wider than height of postpedicel; and posterior wing margin evenly convex. D. campestris has long posteroventral cilia more than half as long as diameter of hind femur; yellow face that in middle as wide as height of postpedicel; and posterior wing margin sinuate.
(6) D. inconspicuus found in the Scandinavian collection of Zetterstedt (338: 11) is close to simplex group of species. Two females are almost identical to D. lineatocornis, differing in right-angular rather than acute apex of postpedicel. Lectotype and paralectotype are here designated in order to promote stability of nomenclature.
Lectotype: ?, [small green square label], Forsa [hand-written label] / Lectotype, des. Grichanov, Dolichopus inconspicuus Zett. [pink label] [MZLU]. Paralectotype: ?, [small green square label], Dolichopus inconspicuus ?, Thyn. [hand-written label] / Paralectotype [pink label] [MZLU]. Paralectotype has some podomeres broken.
(7) Types of Dolichopus lineatocornis, D. parvicaudatus and Chrysotus magnicornis have not been found in Lund Museum.
(8) Male holotype of D. brachyurus has been examined [MZLU].
(9) D. pectinitarsis has been probably redescribed recently under the name Dolichopus polleti Meuffels & Grootaert, 1989.
(10) Lectotype and paralectotype are here designated in order to promote stability of nomenclature.
Lectotype: ?, D. brachycerus, ?, Helsingia / Arbrå, Helsingland, 24/8-40 / Lectotype, des. Grichanov, Dolichopus brachycerus Zett. [pink label]. Paralectotype: ?, D. brachycerus / Arbrä, Helsingland, 24/8-40 / Paralectotype [pink label] [MZLU, Wallengren collection, 292: 6].
(11) Lectotype and paralectotypes are here designated in order to promote stability of nomenclature.
Lectotype: ?, Ilst., 27/7 / D. rothi, ?, vera, jag saknar den. / Sk., Ilstorp, coll. C.D.E. Roth / Coll. Dipterorum C.D. Roth / 1966-90 / Hercostomus praeceps Lw., det. Hedström 1966 / Lectotype [pink label]. Paralectotypes: ?, Omma, 19/7 [hand-written label] / Sk., Omma, coll. C.D.E. Roth / Paralectotype [pink label]; ?, Ils., 13/7 / Sk., Ilstorp, coll. C.D.E. Roth / Paralectotype [pink label] [MZLU, in collection of C.D.E. Roth, 393: 15].
(12) Male Dolichopus ruficauda found in the collection of Zetterstedt is closely related to H. rothi, differing in entirely black antenna.
(13) Lectotype and paralectotypes are here designated in order to promote stability of nomenclature. Type material corresponds to original description of H. albosignatus by Ringdahl (1919).
Lectotype: ?, Gällivara, 11.7-17. Paralectotype: 1?, Gällivara, 11.8-18 [MZLU].
(14) Lectotype and paralectotypes are here designated in order to promote stability of nomenclature. One more paralectotype male with labels ”Spec. type”, ”Narvik, 1.7-18” and hand-written ”Hydrophorus norvegicus”, in error named ”Holotypus” by Negrobov (1977), is deposited in Helsinki Zoological Museum (P. Vilkamaa, pers. com.). Type material corresponds to original description of H. norvegicus by Ringdahl (1928) and redescription of the species by Negrobov (1977).
Lectotype: ?, Narvik, 1.7-18 [MZLU]. Paralectotypes: 2??, 1?, Narvik, 1.7-18; 2??2??, Tromsø, 10.7.26 [MZLU].
(15) Medetera adjaniae was added by Weslien (1992) as M. breviseta (identification of H. Õunap).
(16) Lectotype and paralectotypes are here designated in order to promote stability of nomenclature. One more paralectotype male with labels ”Spec. typ. No 8436”, ”Paratype” and ”30.7.1907”, in error named ”Holotypus” by Negrobov & Stackelberg (1972), is deposited in Helsinki Zoological Museum (P. Vilkamaa, pers. com.). Type material corresponds to original description of M. betulae by Ringdahl (1949) and redescription of the species by Negrobov & Stackelberg (1972).
Lectotype: ?, Tänndalen, 20.7-38 / leg. O. Ringdahl [MZLU]. Paralectotypes: 5??, 1?, Tänndalen, 20.7-38 / leg. O. Ringdahl [MZLU].
(17) A small series of Swedish males collected from one locality comprises both excellens and thunebergi types of aedeagus. I consider its variation to be intraspecific and have synonymised the two names because this is the only difference between the two species (Negrobov & Stackelberg, 1972-1974).
(18) Both jacula and meridionalis phenotypes are present in Lund Museum, as well as intermediate forms having, e.g., 4 strong dorsocentral setae in left row and 5 setae in right row; meridionalis males were always collected in the same series together with jacula males. The two phenotypes found in Sweden and also in Great Britain [MZLU] have no differences in hypopygial structures.
(19) Parent (1936) described Medetera belgica from a female. So, the genitalia illustration in Negrobov & Stackelberg (1974) should be regarded as typical of the males. According to Negrobov (Negrobov & Stackelberg, 1972), male hypopygium of the species, as well as that of M. peloria, M. kowarzi and M. miki differs from that of M. muralis in shape of apex of aedeagus. I have prepared preparations of M. muralis male genitalia taken from several Swedish localities and have found a certain extent of variation in shape of apex of aedeagus. So, I consider this variation and some colour differences described by Negrobov to be intraspecific.
(20) Õunap (1997) distinguished his new species and Medetera obscura by individually variable characters. Despite the author, M. obscura has lower postoculars consisting of the mixture of black and dirty white setae. In addition, the name M. robusta was preoccupied by Loew (1857).
(21) Both petrophila and petrophiloides phenotypes are present in Lund Museum, as well as intermediate forms having, e.g., 4 strong dorsocentral setae in left row and 5 setae in right row; petrophiloides males were often collected in the same series together with petrophila males. The two phenotypes have no differences in hypopygial structures.
(22) Descriptions and figures given by Õunap (1997) for Medetera piceae and by Bickel (1985) for M. pinicola are practically identical.
(23) Both pallipes and pallidus phenotypes are present in Sweden.
(24) Systenus tener was added by Andersson (1999).
(25) Thrypticus intercedens is very close to T. pollinosus, differing in distal thin part of hypandrium being as long as or longer (rather than 1/3 shorter in T. pollinosus) than proximal broad part; the character usually clearly visible in dry specimens.
(26) Lectotype and paralectotypes are here designated in order to promote stability of nomenclature. Type material corresponds to original description of Porphyrops glacialis by Ringdahl (1920) and redescription of Rhaphium glaciale given by Negrobov (1979).
Lectotype: ?, Vällistafj, 23.6-14 /Jä. Leg. O.Ringdahl. Paralectotypes: 1?same label; 1?, Vassij, 14.7-18; 6??, 4??, Nuolja, 9.7-18 and 21.7-18 [MZLU].
(27) Lectotype and paralectotype are here designated in order to promote stability of nomenclature. Type material corresponds to original description of S. flavomaculatus by Ringdahl (1949) and redescription of S. maritimus given by Meuffels & Grootaert (1990).
Lectotype: ?, Fårön, 4.7-36 /1988-270 / Sciapus ?maritimus Beck., det. H.G.J. Meuffels / Zool. Mus. Lund, Sweden, Dolichopodidae, Type No. 2395:1-2. Paralectotype: ?, Fårön, 4.7-36 / Sciapus flavomaculatus [hand-written label] / 1983-455 / Sciapus maritimus Beck., Negrobov det. / 1988-269 / Type No. 2395:2 [MZLU]. Paralectotype has a dissected hypopygium on the same pin.
(28) Both pulicarius and desoutteri phenotypes are present in Swden, as well as intermediate forms having short and pointed postpedicel.
(29) Both pallipes and pseudospicatus phenotypes are present in Sweden.
(30) Material found in Lund Museum under the name Sciapus contristans (males) belongs to S. basilicus and S. zonatulus. See also Meuffels & Grootaert (1990).
(31) A male type described as Dolichopus bicingulatus (var. a) has not been found in Lund Museum; a male described as D. bicingulatus (var. b) is practically destroyed.


I am greatly indebted to Roy Danielsson (the Lund Zoological Museum) ) for his kindness in furnishing an opportunity to study the collections of the Museum and making several important corrections to the manuscript. I express sincere gratitude to Dr. Thomas Pape (the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm) for critical review of the manuscript. The work could not be done without an “Alphabetic list of scientific names of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the World” compiled by Henk Meuffels (1999). The general research was financially supported by the Swedish Institute (2001).


Andersson, H. 1999. Rödlistade eller sällsynta evertebrater knutna till ihåliga, murkna eller savande träd samt trädsvampar i Lunds stad. – Ent. Tidskr. 120 (4): 169-183.
Bellstedt, R., Stark., A. & Meyer, H. (1999): Dolichopodidae; S. 92-99. In Schuhmann, H., Bährmann, R. & Stark, A. (Eds): Entomofauna Germanica 2 – Checkliste der Dipteren Deutschlands. – Studia dipterologica Supplement 2:1-354.
Bickel, D.J. 1985. A revision of the Nearctic Medetera (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). - United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1692: 1-109.
Chandler, P. ed. 1998. Checklists of insects of the British Isles. (New Series.) Part 1: Diptera (incorporating a list of Irish Diptera). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 12: 1-234.
Hedström, L. 1966a. A new species of Dolichopus (Dipt., Dolichopodidae) from Sweden. – Entomol. Tidskr. 87(1-2): 56-59.
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