Alphabetic list of scientific names of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the World
by Henk Meuffels*

waghlbergi  [F, v. wahlbergi]
 - Dolichopus [Olejní…ek, 1974E: Folia Fac.Sci.nat.Univ.Purkynianae brunensis XV, Biol. 43: 64]
wahlbergi  [after Peter Fredrik Wahlberg (1800-1877)]
 - Dolichopus Zetterstedt, 1843: Dipt.Scand. 2: 546  *
 - Hydrophorus [F, v. wahlgreni] [Negrobov, 1991E: Catal.palaearct. Dipt. 7: 290]
wahlgreni  [after Einar Wahlgren (1874-1962)]
 - Hydrophorus Frey, 1915E: Acta Soc.Fauna Flora fenn. 40(5): 63  *  Hydrophorus altivagus Aldrich, 1911 (6 Hurley, 1985E, in: Grif-fiths, Flies nearct.Reg. 6(6) nr.1: 24)
waigeensis, -e  [from Waigeu Island, Indonesia]
 - Chrysosoma (De Meijere, 1913) (-e) [Psilopus]  *
 - Psilopus De Meijere, 1913E: Bijdr.Dierk. (Amsterdam) 19: 57 (-is)    *  Chrysosoma
walkeri  [after <1> Francis Walker (1809-1874); <2> E.M.Walker; <3> K. Walker, collector]
 - Amblypsilopus Bickel, 1994E: Rec.austral.Mus., Suppl.21: 296 <3>  *
 - Diaphorus Parent, 1934E: Ann.Mag.nat.Hist. (10)13: 25 <1>  *
 - Dolichopus Van Duzee, 1921E: Bull.U.S.natl.Mus. 116: 207 <2>  *
 - Hercostomus (Rondani, 1859) [Orthochile]  *  Ortochile nigrocoeru-lea Latreille, 1809.
 - Ortochile Rondani, 1859: Linnaea ent. 13: 317 <1> [Orthochile]  *    Ortochile nigrocoerulea Latreille, 1809
walschaertsi  [after Louis Walschaerts]
 - Medetera Gosseries, 1989E: Bull.Ann.Soc.belg.Ent. 124(10-12) [1988]: 306 (nom.nov. for Medetera alpina Harmston & Knowlton, 1941, nec Medeterus alpinus Haliday, 1833)  *
wanbi  [from Wanbi, South Australia]
 - Mesorhaga Bickel, 1994E: Rec.austral.Mus., Suppl.21: 73  *
waris  [from Waris, Irian Jaya, Indonesia]
 - Medetera Bickel, 1987E: Rec.austral.Mus. 39(4): 220  *
wasatchensis, -e  [from Wasatch Range, Utah, U.S.A.]
 - Hercostomus Harmston & Knowlton, 1943: Bull.Brooklyn ent.Soc. 38: 103 (-is)  *
 - Thinophilus Hardy, 1935: Proc.linn.Soc.N.S.Wales 60: 255  *
webbensis, -e  [from Mount Webb, Queensland, Australia]
 - Amblypsilopus Bickel, 1994E: Rec.austral.Mus., Suppl.21: 328 (-is)    *
weemsi  [after Howard Vincent Weems jr.]
 - Gymnopternus Robinson, 1964: Misc.Publ.ent.Soc.Amer. 4(4): 173  *    Hercostomus
 - Hercostomus (Robinson, 1964) [Gymnopternus]  *
weiri  [after T.Weir, collector]
 - Mesorhaga Bickel, 1994E: Rec.austral.Mus., Suppl.21: 71  *
wellsae  [after A.Wells, collector]
 - Amblypsilopus Bickel, 1994E: Rec.austral.Mus., Suppl.21: 348  *
Wheelerenomyia (f)  [(Gr. myîa) 'fly named after William Morton Wheeler']
 - genus (+) Meunier, 1907: Naturaliste (2)29: 199  *
  Type species: Wheelerenomyia eocenica Meunier, 1907 (monotypy)
wheeleri  [after William Morton Wheeler (1865-1937)]
 - Campsicnemus Van Duzee, 1923E: Psyche 30: 64  *
 - Dolichopus (Melander & Brues, 1900) [Hygroceleuthus] (6 Aldrich, 1905E: Smithson.misc.Coll. 46(2) (Publ.1444): 305)  *
 - Hygroceleuthus Melander & Brues, 1900: Biol.Bull. (Woods Hole) 1: 126  *  Dolichopus
 - Medetera Foote, Coulson & Robinson, 1965E: Catal.Dipt.Amer.n.Mex.:   511 (nom.nov. for Medeterus appendiculatus Wheeler, 1899, nec Macquart, 1827)  *  Medetera veles Loew, 1861 (6 Bickel, 1985E: U.S.Dept.Agricult., Techn.Bull. 1692: 56)
 - Parasyntormon Aldrich, 1901: in Godman & Salvin, Biol.centr.-amer.   1: 343  *
 - Pelastoneurus Melander, 1900: Canad.Ent. 32: 140  *
 - Rhaphium Van Duzee, 1932: Amer.Mus.Nov. 521: 9  *
 - Syntormon (Aldrich, 1901) [Parasyntormon] (6 Becker, 1922E: Abh. zool.-bot.Ges.Wien 13(1): 152)  *  Parasyntormon
wheelri  [F, v. wheeleri]
 - Pelastoneurus [Van Duzee, 1929E: Psyche 36(1): 39]
whia-nensis  [from Whian Whian State Forest, New South Wales]
 - Babindella Bickel, 1987E: Ent.scand. 18: 100 (-is)  *
whirinaki  [from Whirinaki Forest, New Zealand]
 - Parentia Bickel, 1991E: Fauna Nw.Zeal. 23: 35  *
wiedemanni  [after Christian Rudolph Wilhelm Wiedemann (1770-1840)]
 - Leptopus Fallén, 1823: Dipt.Svec. 2 (Monogr.Dolichopod.Svec.): 24    *  Sciapus
 - Nodicornis Rondani, 1843: N.Ann.Sci.nat.Bologna 10: 46  *  Nodi-cornis nodicornis (Meigen, 1824)
 - Psilopus (Fallén, 1823) [Leptopus] (6 Meigen, 1830: Syst.Beschr. 6: 360)  *  Sciapus
 - Sciapus (Fallén, 1823) [Leptopus] (6 Bezzi, 1903E: Katal.paläarkt.   Dipt. 2: 292)  *
 - Sybistroma (Rondani, 1843) [Nodicornis] (6 Bezzi, 1903E:   läarkt.Dipt. 2: 292 [as Wiedmani])  *  Nodicornis nodicornis (Meigen, 1824)
wiedmani  [F, v. wiedemanni]
 - Nodicornis [6 Bezzi, 1903E: Katal.paläarkt.Dipt. 2: 292]
 - Sybistroma [6 Bezzi, 1903E: Katal.paläarkt.Dipt. 2: 292]
wigginsi  [after I.L.Wiggins]
 - Asyndetus Bickel & Sinclair, 1997E: Ent.scand. 28(3): 260  *
williamsi  [after <1> Francis Xavier Williams; <2> G.Williams]
 - Amblypsilopus Bickel, 1994E: Rec.austral.Mus., Suppl.21: 311 <2>  *
 - Campsicnemus Van Duzee, 1933E: Proc.hawaii.ent.Soc. 8(2): 328 <1>    *
 - Eurynogaster Hardy & Kohn, 1964E: in Zimmerman, Ins.Hawaii 11: 228    <1> *
 - Hydrophorus Parent, 1938E: Konowia 16: 211 <1>  *
willistoni  [after Samuel Wendell Williston (1852-1918)]
 - Aphantotimus Wheeler, 1890: Psyche 5: 376  *  Thrypticus
 - Diaphorus Van Duzee, 1931E: Amer.Mus.Nov. 483: 14 (in subg. Ly- roneurus)  *
 - Dolichopus Aldrich, 1893: Kans.Univ.Quart. 2: 22 [willistonii]  *    Dolichopus pulchrimanus (Bigot, 1888)
 - Thrypticus (Wheeler, 1890) [Aphantotimus] (6 Wheeler, 1899E: Proc.   calif.Acad.Sci. (3)2 (Zool.): 31)  *
 - Porphyrops Curtis, 1835 [F 1832]: Brit.Ent. (Ed.2) 8: pl.541  *  Rhaphium elegantulum (Meigen, 1824)
 - Rhaphium (Curtis, 1835) [Porphyrops]  *  Rhaphium elegantulum (Meigen, 1824)
winthemi  [after Wilhelm von Winthem]
 - Diaphorus Meigen, 1824E: Syst.Beschr. 4: 34 // Diaphora (6 Mac-quart, 1834: Hist.nat.Dipt. 1: 448)  *
wirthi  [after Willis Wagner Wirth]
 - Aphrosylus Harmston, 1951E: Great Basin Nat. 11: 13  *
 - Asyndetus Robinson, 1997, in: Robinson & Deyrup, 1997E: Proc.ent.   Soc.Wash. 99(3): 479  *
 - Cymatopus Robinson, 1975E: Smithson.Contr.Zool. 185: 126  *
 - Diaphorus Robinson, 1975E: Smithson.Contr.Zool. 185: 94  *
 - Enlinia Robinson, 1975E: Smithson.Contr.Zool. 185: 56  *
 - Harmstonia Robinson, 1975E: Smithson.Contr.Zool. 185: 59  *
 - Mesorhaga Bickel, 1994E: Rec.austral.Mus., Suppl.21: 80  *
 - Micromedetera Robinson, 1975E: Smithson.Contr.Zool. 185: 39  *
Wirthia  (f.)  [after Willis Wagner Wirth]
 - subgenus Arnaud, 1958E: Proc.ent.Soc.Wash. 60: 184 (of Melanderia   Aldrich, 1922)  *
  Type species: Hydrophorus curvipes Van Duzee, 1918 (
wisconensis  [F, v. wisconsinensis]
 - Chrysotus [Van Duzee, 1924E: Bull.Buffalo Soc.nat.Sci. 13(3): 26]
wisconsinensis, -e  [from Wisconsin, U.S.A.]
 - Chrysotus Wheeler, 1890: Psyche 5: 356 (-is)  *
wittei  [after G.F.De Witte]
 - Lichtwardtia (Vanschuytbroeck, 1951) [Vaalimyia] (6 Dyte & Smith, 1980E: Catal.Dipt.afrotrop.Reg.: 451)  *
 - Syntormon Vanschuytbroeck,1951E: Explor.Parc nat.Albert 74: 102  *
 - Vaalimyia Vanschuytbroeck, 1951E: Explor.Parc nat.Albert 74: 46  *    Lichtwardtia
wokoensis, -e  [from Woko National Park, New South Wales, Australia]
 - Amblypsilopus Bickel, 1994E: Rec.austral.Mus., Suppl.21: 300 (-is)    *
wongabelensis, -e  [from Wongabel State Forest, Queensland, Australia]
 - Amblypsilopus Bickel, 1994E: Rec.austral.Mus., Suppl.21: 348 (-is)    *
 - Medetera Bickel, 1987E: Rec.austral.Mus. 39(4): 220 (-is)  *
wonosobensis, -e  [from Wonosobo, Jawa, Indonesia]
 - Diaphorus De Meijere, 1916E: Tijdschr.Ent. 59: 240 (-is)  *
 - Telmaturgus [F, v. wonosoboensis] [Dyte, 1975E: Catal.Dipt.o-rient.   Reg. 2: 257]
wonosoboensis, -e  [from Wonosobo, Jawa, Indonesia]
 - Telmaturgus Hollis, 1964E: Beaufortia 10(129): 266 (-is)  *
woodi  [after R.C.Wood]
 - Chrysosoma Parent, 1935E: Enc.ent., Sér.B, II, Dipt. 8: 82  *
wudangshanus, -a, -um  [from Wudangshan Mountain, Hubei, China]
 - Hercostomus Yang, 1997E: Studia dipterol. 4(1): 121 (in subg. Her-  costomus) (-us)  *
 - Achradocera Parent, 1936: Rev.Zool.Bot.afr. 28: 322  *
 - Euxiphocerus Parent, 1935: Rev.Zool.Bot.afr. 27: 122  *
wuyangensis, -e  [from Wuyang, China]
 - Hercostomus Wei, 1997: J.Guizhou agricult.Coll. 16(1): ..  *

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