Last updated: 5 November 2012
Язык: Русский/Английский

2. First Name(s): Igor Yakovlevich

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3. Permanent address: Prospekt Entuziastov, 46, k. 2, kv. 91, St. Petersburg, 195030, Russia
4. Working address: VIZR, Shosse Podbelskogo 3, St.Petersburg-Pushkin 186608 Russia
e-mail: "Igor Grichanov" <>

5. Date and place of birth: 10 September 1958, Voronezh, Russia

6. Actual nationality: Russian

7. Nationality by birth: Russian

8. Married, 3 children (1982, 1983, 1985)


9. University certificates and diplomas: institutions, dates, mentions obtained: Zoology (Voronezh State University, Voronezh, MS, graduated in 1980); Entomology (All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, St. Petersburg, Ph.D., graduated in 1984); Agricultural Economics (St.Petersburg State Agricultural University, MS, graduated in 1991); Entomology (All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, St. Petersburg, DSc., graduated in 2006)
10. MS Thesis: Fauna and taxonomy of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of Central Asia.
10a. MS Thesis: Economics of plant protection service in northern Kazakhstan.
10b. PhD Thesis: Biological basis for cotton bollworm and turnip moth sex pheromone application in plant protection. - Thesis. Cand. Sci. Biol., Leningrad, 1984.
10c. DSc Thesis: Scientific basis for the use of synthetic sex pheromones of Lepidoptera pests in phytosanitary monitoring. Thesis for a Doctor's Degree in Biology: St.Petersburg, 2006.
11. Knowledge of foreign languages: I speak and write English; I read special literature in German, French, some Slav languages
12. International travel grants: Poland, Institute for Plant Protection, 1990, one week; Bulgaria, Institute for Zoology, 1991, one week; England, The Natural History Museum, Overseas Institute, Entomological and Ecological Congresses, 1994, three weeks; Hungary, The Natural History Museum, 1995, one week; Lithuania, Meeting on Plant protection, 1996, one week; Brussels, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and the Royal Museum for Central Africa, 7 to 22 September, 1997, 26 March-6 April, 1998; Sweden, Uppsala University, 1999, one week, and 2002, 2 weeks; Israel, Tel Aviv University, 1999, two weeks; Finland, MTT, 2000, 1 week, 2002, 1 week; Sweden, Lund University, February 1, 2001 April 30, 2001); Swedish Museum of Natural History (December 1, 2002 February 28, 2003; and October 1-30, 2004); Finland, Finnish Museum of Natural History (September 15 December 15, 2003); Sweden, Swedish Museum of Natural History and Lund University, 2004, 1.5 months.


Professional Experience:
All-Russian Institute for Plant Protection, St. Petersburg, Head of Laboratory (1990 - present), middle research worker (1988), junior research worker (1980)
Department of Entomology, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium (visiting worker, March 1999 March 2000).
Society Membership:
Russian Entomological Society of Russian Academy of Sciences (1979).
Teaching Experience:
1983-1984. Graduate Teaching Assistant, General Entomology, St. Petersburg Agricultural University
1984-2006, Instructor, All-Union, All-Russian and regional seminars for agricultural ministry workers. Topics: Application of insect pheromone traps; Monitoring and forecasts of pests and diseases.
1990-2006, Lecturer and supervisor to post-graduate students in All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection. Topics: Population dynamics of insect pests; biological basis for their monitoring; phytosanitary laws.
Other topics for lectureship:
1.      Diversity of long-legged flies (Insecta: Diptera: Dolichopodidae) in the World and in Africa
2.      Long-legged flies as site assessment indicators (to assess quality of habitats)
3.      Long-legged flies - potential predators for biological control of pests
4.      Entomological databases: evolution of the contents and computer technologies
5.      Internet-based information resources on insect taxonomy
6.      Integrated phytosanitary monitoring in ecologically safe plant protection
7.      Modern theory of long-term forecasts of pest and disease development
8.      Overview of laws of pest population density dynamics, their use in plant protection
9.      Experience of mapping of areas and zones of damage of agricultural pests and diseases
10.     Sex pheromones of harmful Lepidoptera (Insecta) for phytosanitary monitoring and control

Organizational Experience (examples):
2002 Co-chairman of Symposium, All-Russian Congress of Entomology, St. Petersburg;
1995 and 2005 Chairman of Section, 1st and 2nd All-Russian Congresses of Plant Protection, St. Petersburg;
1994 present Member of Editorial Board, Bulletin and Proceedings of All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection;
1984 1995, annually Participant and organizer of various exhibitions including those at All-Union and All-Russian Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Agriculture
Funding received:
Kazakhstan Scientific Society, 1988-1989; Estonian Chemical Company FLORA, 1991; Russian Bolotov Foundation, 1994-1996; Russian Ministry of Agriculture, 1995; Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 1997-2001; Belgian Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural affaires, 1999-2000; USDA, ARS Office of International Research Programs 2003-2006.
Field Experience (in-house travel grants):
Extensive field research conducted annually between 1976 and 2006 in various parts of the former USSR: Southern Ukraine, north-western Russia, North Caucasus, Soviet Central Asian Republics, western Siberia, the Russian Far East, and short-term collecting in Holy Land, Israel and around a summer-house of Karl Linnaeus in Sweden (1999).

Museum studies of Dolichopodidae material loaned from, identified mostly, and returned to:
the Natural History Museum in London [NHML],
the Natural History Museum in Paris [NHMP],
the Royal Institute for Natural Sciences, Brussels [RINS],
the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren [RMCA],
Museum fur Naturkunde der HU, Berlin [MNB]
the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest [HNHM],
Zoological Museum in Copenhagen [ZMUC],
Lund University, Sweden [Lund],
Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa [NMP],
Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, [SMFD],
Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Stuttgart [SMNS],
Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University, Israel [TAU]
National Museum of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia [NMN]
Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, [ZMA]
Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm

General Interest:
I. Evolution and classification of Diptera-Brachycera
II. Chemical ecology and chemotaxonomy of Lepidoptera

Research Experience:
At different times I studied fauna, taxonomy, systematics and ecology of predatory flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), moth sex pheromones, causes of insect chemical communication disruption and of population dynamics of harmful and useful species on vegetables, cotton, wheat and orchards, methods of reduction of environment pollution by means of traps and meteostations, theory of insect - insect and insect - plant chemical interactions as well as analysis and forecast of pesticide pollution degree. I have mastered statistical methods, operation of personal computers (as user) and use of microphotography techniques as well as various methods of biology research in the laboratory and field. During the whole period I made regular long-term and short-term science trips to various regions of the former USSR, collecting Dolichopodidae flies. I have established connection with many scientists from Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Estonia, United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, France, and other countries. At present I study taxonomy of Afrotropical Dolichopodidae and fauna and ecology of Empidoidea flies in patchy environment in Russia. I have a big experience in taxonomy and systematics of Dolichopodidae (Diptera). I described about 250 new species and 12 new genera of the family. I am professionally familiar with faunas of Palearctic and Afrotropical and partly - with flies from other zoogeographical regions. The next stage of the research will be a generic review of dolichopodid flies on global or continental scale; phylogenetic and zoogeographic implications; refinement of family classification. Recently I have created several Internet-based homepages, I have coined many GIS-based Internet-published maps for various insect pests of Russia and adjacent countries.







(about 30 All-Union and All-Russian meetings held in 1978-2006 are not listed)

1. VI Meeting on the Project Species and its Productivity in the Distribution Area. St.Petersburg, 23 - 26 Nov. 1993.

2. V European Congress of Entomology, 29 Aug. - 2 Sept. 1994, York.

3. VI International Ecological Congress, 22-27 Aug. 1994, Manchester.

4. XI European Congress of Lepidopterology, Malle, Belgium, 22-26 March 1998.

5. XIVth International Plant Protection Congress, Jerusalem, July 1999.

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